Full text: Statistical manual

180 feet deep, and a frontage of 100 feet on 46th Street— 
and the 16-story office building erected thereon in 1925. 
Record: Obligor, 1556 Broadway Corporation, is a wholly 
owned subsidiary of Bethlehem Properties, Inc, who guar- 
antees the payment of the principal and interest of these 
bonds. Personnel, Floyd deL. Brown, David Goodnow and 
George R. Coughlin. Earning data withheld. 
Butler Hall 
(New York City) 
1st Mortgage Fee 6% Serial Bonds 
Amount: $1,500,000; outstanding $1,393,500. 
Dated: Jan. 9, 1925. 
Maturity: Jan. 15, 1939. 
Interest: January and July 15th. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 29% Federal, Pa, Conn., Md., D. of C., Va. 
Redemption: 104, 1930; then 103, 1935; thereafter at 102. 
Trustee: Nicholas Roberts. 
Appraised: (Appraiser not named), $2,100,000, 
Assessed 1930: $1,700,000. 
Security: Fee estate in 17,500 sq. ft. of land located at Morn- 
ingside Drive and 119th Street, New York City, and the 
15-story apartment building erected thereon. This building 
is in the Columbia University. section, and is one of the 
few properties in that district not owned by Columbia. 
Ba In prior years. all interest paid and principal reduced 
1929, net available for interest, etc........ 
Interest on above bonds .. 
Times earned .......covviiiiiriennininnnns 
Amount of principal amortized .... ol. 
52nd and Madison Avenue Office Building 
(New York City) 
1st Leasehold Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold 6% 
Amount: $1,350,000. 
Dated: Nov. 1, 1928. 

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