Full text: Statistical manual

Trustee: New York Trust Company. 
Legal for Trust Funds in New York. 
Appraised: Land by Cushman & Wakefield, Inc, Building by 
Dwight P. Robinson & Co. and land and building by 
Fenimore C. Goode, in excess of $2,200,000. 
Assessed 1930: $1,800,000. 
Guarantee: The Allerton Corporation guarantees the payment 
of these bonds. 
Security: Fee estate in plot of ground at the northeast corner 
of Madison Avenue and 55th Street, 75.4 x 100, 7,541 square 
feet, and the 17-story-and-basement men’s hotel erected 
thereon. i 
Earnings: First full year of operation, 1928, showed net earn- 
ings of $183,650, and fixed charges (interest and amortiza- 
tion) amounted to $81,391—being earned 2.26 times. Earn- 
ings for 1929 are not yet reported. 
Trinity Court Building 
(New York City) 
First Mortage Fee 6% Serial’ Certificates 
Amount: $1,600,000; retired, $16,000; outstanding, $1,575,750. 
Dated: March 1, 1926. 
Maturities: 1929 to 1941-—Final March 1, 1941. 
Interest: March and September 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100. 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., R. I, Conn, Maryland, Ky., Mass, 
Redemption: 104 to 1931; then 103 to 1936: then 102 to 1939; 
thereafter 101. 
Trustee: Guarantee Trust Company of New York. 
Legal for Trust Funds in New York. 
Cross & Brown.... 
Ames & Co. ...cvviiieinnnen 
Assessed 1930: $1,700,000. 3 
Security: Fee estate in land at 70 to 76 Trinity Place, New 
York City, extending back to Greenwich Street, and the 

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