Full text: The Demand for Empire butter

Australian Butter. —Australian butter was generally sold as a 
second or third line at 1d. or 2d. less than the first line. Nine-tenths 
of the prices recorded were from 1s. 64. to 1s. 84. in the First Survey, 
and 1s. 7d. to 1s. 94. in the Second ; 1s. 84. was the most usual price 
In both periods. 
New Zealand Butter—Where New Zealand butter was found in the 
North, it was generally stocked with Danish, and was sold either at 
the same price or. 1d. less. In London it was often found with 
Argentine, the latter 14. cheaper ; and in Bristol and South Wales 
with Irish, generally at the same price. One large national multiple 
firm stocked New Zealand and Ukrainian butter, the latter about 
2d. per pound cheaper. 
The prices recorded for New Zealand butter ranged from ls. 6d. to 
2s. 0d. Nine-tenths of those in the First Survey were from ls. 7d. to 
Is. 10d., the most usual price being 1s. 84.; in the Second Survey 
nine-tenths were from 1s. 84. to Is. 104., with 1s. 94. as the most 
frequent price. 
Irish Butter—Irish butter was not found in many shops until 
June. In Liverpool and Glasgow, it was generally stocked with 
Danish and sold at 1d. less, the most usual price being 1s. 84. in 
August and September ; in about 10 per cent. of the shops in both 
towns, however, it was the only butter stocked and was sold at 1s. od. 
In Bristol, Irish and New Zealand butters were nearly always stocked 
together usually at the same price, but in some cases New Zealand 
was dearer. In South Wales, Irish was frequently the sole butter 
and in several cases two or three kinds of Irish were being stocked at 
different prices ; the most usual price was 1s. 84. in June and 1s. 94. 
in September, but the range in these towns was much wider than in 
Liverpool and Glasgow. 
Irish butter was also found in Birmingham in August, where it was 
generally stocked with Danish, the Irish usually at 1s. 94. and the 
Danish at 1s. 104. 
Danish Butter—In the shops where Danish butter was sold, it 
was almost without exception the dearest or the only bulk type 
stocked. The price difference between Danish and other bulk butters 
was definitely greatest in the Northern and Eastern areas yh x 
was well established on the market. In London, Bristol and = ne 
Wales, on the other hand, the average price in June was slightly 
below that 6f New Zealand, but it was very rarely sold at a lower price 
In the same shop. 

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