Full text: Religion, colonising & trade

1688-1783 69 
on the southern side of South Carolina, which was 
exposed to the possibility of Spanish attack from 
Florida. Here Oglethorpe and his associates, includ- 
ing Thomas Coram, who had lived in New England, 
and who later was the father of the Foundling 
Hospital, obtained a grant from the Crown, being in- 
corporated by charter in June 1732, as trustees for the 
colonisation of Georgia. They were to administer the 
colony for twenty-six years, after which it was to pass to 
the Crown. The scheme is described by Mr. Doyle as 
¢ the first attempt to devote a colony systematically and 
exclusively to the relief of pauperism,’ and Oglethorpe 
himself as ¢ the founder of modern philanthropy.” 
In his reference to the subject in one of the chapters 
which he contributed to the Cambridge Modern His- 
tory, Doyle points out, as other writers have pointed 
out also, that, in the double object of relieving distress 
at home and forming a barrier against Spain, Ogle- 
thotpe’s scheme was in some sort a reversion to the 
views of the Elizabethan time.? Oglethorpe himself 
had a strong strain of the knight-errantry which was in 
evidence in the earlier age, and in his designs colonisa- 
tion was the prime element, religion was greatly con- 
cerned, but trade had little place. In October 1732 
he took out a first party of carefully chosen inmates of 
the debtors’ prisons, over one hundred in number, 
arriving at his destination on the Savannah river in 
February 1733. The story of his administration con- 
tains various points of very great interest, but they 
i The Colonies under the Hosuse of Hanover, chap. viii, pp. 417-18. 
* The Cambridge Modern History (1903), vol. vii: The United States, 
chap. ii, pp. 61-3.

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