Full text: Old age pensioners and aged pauperism

4. Part II. contains, as indicated above, the results of returns received at five 
different dates with respect to the number of indoor and outdoor paupers over the age 
of 70. The areas for which the figures are given are (a) poor law unions, and (6) 
“union counties,” i.e., groups of poor law unions.* 
The following table, consisting of figures derived from pages 8 and 9 of the return, 
gives the principal comparative figures, viz, :— 
Paurers ovER 70 YEARS oF Age IN ExcLaxp ano WarLgs. 
— Indoor. Outdoor. Total. 
31st March, 1906 ... oer 0 Si Sik 61,378 168,096 229,474 
Ist January, 1990... ..  .. 57,701 138,223 195,924 
5“ 1011 on os wild 55,261 93,177 148,438 
Bmmeaiyiyn heer 0 Rie Teel 19,370 9.530 58.900 
4th January, 1913... re 0 oh 1a 49,207 8,563 57,770 
Percentage decrease between 1906 and 1913 ... 19-8 949 74-8 
The corresponding percentage decreases in Wales (with Monmouth) alone were—indoor, 18:7 ; outdoor, 91°0 ; total, 814. 
It will be observed that the decrease has been mainly in the numbers of aged persons 
in receipt of out-door relief. Compared with the figures for 1906 the returns for 1913 
show decreases in 
England of 147,226 or 952 per cent. 
Wales of 12,307 or 91 per cent. 
England and Wales of 159,533 or 949 per cent. 
In none of the Union Counties in England was the decrease less than 91+4 per cent. 
whilst in Cumberland and Rutland it exceeded 99 per cent. 
In Wales the decrease ranged from 87:5 per cent. in Carnarvon to 96-2 per cent. 
in Flint. 
An examination of the tables in Part II. (B) shows that the reduction noted was 
evenly spread throughout the country. Tt will be seen that in the majority of the unions 
the reduction in the number of aged persons in receipt of out-door relief “was more than 
90 per cent ; in some 90 unions, mainly of a rural character, there were actually no 
persons over 70 in receipt of out-door relief on the 4th January, 1913. 
The change as regards aged persons in receipt of indoor relief has not been so 
marked, but the figures for January, 1913, show a reduction on those of March, 1906, of 
11,909 or 20 per cent. in the case of England. 
262 or 13-7. ,, Wales. 
12,171 or 19-8 ,. England and Wales. 
Local Government Board, 
August, 1913. 
* A full explanation, accompanied by detailed particulars, is given by the Registrar General in 
the Census Reports as to the differences between “ administrative counties” and “union counties.” 
(30468—21.) Wt. 10447—97. 1000. 8/13. D & S. A 2

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