Full text: Protection of maternity

Resolution of Maryland League of Women Voters, by M. Le M. Ellicott, president; 
Emma M. Weber, secretary. 
Resolution from Council of Jewish Women, signed by Elsie W. Kemper, correspond 
ing secretary, Baltimore section, Baltimore, Md. 
Article entitled “The real rate of death to mothers from causes connected with 
childbirth,” by William Travis Howard, jr., reprinted from the American Journal 
of Hygiene. 
Letter from Dr. Ralph Lobenstein, New York City. 
Letter from Ethel M. Watters, director of California Bureau of Child Hygiene. 
Statement from Howard Childs Carpenter, Philadelphia, Pa. 
Statement from Dr. Richard M. Smith, Boston, Mass. 
Statement from William Plainer Lucas, San Francisco, Calif. 
Letter from J. Whitridge Williams, M. D., obstetrician in chief, Johns Hopkins 
University, Baltimore, Md. 
Extract of letter from Dr. Thomas 8. Cullen, gynecologist, Johns Hopkins University 
Medical School and Hospital. 
Booklet “Save the Youngest,” published by Children’s Bureau, United States 
Department of Labor. 
Booklet “Minimum Standards for Child Welfare,” published by Children’s Bureau, 
United States Department of Labor. 
Letter from Dr. J. H. Munson Knox, jr., to Dr. Richard Bolt, dated May 4, 1921. 
Booklet “Who, Where, and What we Stand For; What We Are Doing,” by American 
Child Hygiene Association, Baltimore, Md. 
The following letters, telegrams, briefs and other documents were 
filed with the committee during the above hearing, in opposition to 
the bill: 
Letter from Massachusetts Public Interests League, by Mrs. B. L. Robinson, pres 
Telegram addressed to Miss Nellie Williams, from the Maryland Anti-Vivisection 
Telegram addressed to Mrs. Nellie Williams, from Belmont (Mass.) Legislative 
League, Eleanor Agnes Frenning, secretary. 
Letter from Eleanor’Agnes Frenning, addressed to the chairman. 
Telegram addressed to Miss Nellie Williams, from Medical Liberty League, Boston, 
Mass., by Jessica Henderson, secretary. 
Letter from Jessica Henderson, secretary, Medical Liberty League. 
Telegram from Jessica Henderson, secretary Medical Liberty League, to the chair 
Telegram from R. Bendt Farber, secretary American Medical Liberty League. 
Telegram from Milton Constitutional League, Eleanor Holbrook, secretary, Milton, 
Letter from Mrs. C. R. Otis, Newport News, Va., addressed to chairman. 
Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Avery Brown, Belmont, Mass., addressed to chairman. 
Telegram from Donald Monro and Horace Gray, practicing physicians, Boston, 
Mass., addressed to chairman. 
Telegram from Warwick County Medical Association, Newport News, Va., signed 
by F. A. Sinclair, president; William Poindexter, secretary. 
Letter from Women’s Anti-Suffrage Association of Massachusetts, by Harriet A. 
Frothingham, president. 
Telegram signed by Mrs. Brackley Shaw and Mrs. G. A. Haskell, Brookline, Mass., 
addressed to the chairman. 
Letter from United Progressive Association, by David Newton E. Campbell, presi 
dent, addressed to the committee. 
Brief filed by Mary G. Kilbreth, president National Association Opposed to Woman 
Suffrage, and J. S. Eichelberger, editor the Woman Patriot. 
Article entitled “The bursting maternity bubble,” reprinted from the Newton 
Circuit (Newton, Mass.) of March 4, 1921. 
Letter and telegram addressed to Eben W. Burnstead, the Civic Federation of Chi 
List of 775 physicians of Massachusetts, who opposed State maternity benefits, 
filed by Eben W. Burnstead. 
Paper entitled “Why these physicians opposed the Massachusetts maternity bill,” 
filed by Eben W. Burnstead. 
Letter from W. A. Dolan, M. D., Fall River, Mass., to Eben W. Burnstead, dated 
May 2, 1921.

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