MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1921.
United States Senate,
Committee on Education and Labor,
Washington, D. C.
The committee met pursuant to the call of the chairman at 10.30
a. m. in committee room, Capitol, Senator William S. Kenyon
Present: Senators Kenyon (chairman), Warren, Phipps, Jones
(New Mexico), Sterling, McKellar, Shortridge, Sheppard, and Kellogg.
Also present : Mrs. Henry W. Keyes, 2400 Sixteenth Street, Wash
ington, D. C.; Mrs. Ellis A. Yost, Hotel Driscoll, representing National
Women’s Christian Temperance Union; Julia C. Lathrop, Children’s
Bureau, United States Department of Labor; Mrs. LaRue Brown,
representing the Child Welfare Committee, National League of
Women Voters; Ella Oppenheimer, M. D., representing Children’s
Bureau, Department of Labor; Miss Elizabeth Skinner, representing
the Florida Federation of Women’s Clubs; Mrs. Maud Woods Park,
representing National League of Women Voters; Mary G. Kilbreth,
representing National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage; Mrs.
J. S. Eichelberger, representing the Woman Patriot.
The committee then proceeded to the consideration of the bill
(S. 1039) for the public protection of maternity and infancy and pro
viding a method of cooperation between the Government of the
United States and the several States.
(The bill is here printed in full, as follows:)
[S. 1039, Sixty-seventh Congress, first session.]
A BILL For the public protection of maternity and infancy and providing a method of cooperation between
the Qovernment of the (J nited States and the several States.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America
in Congress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated annually,
out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sums authorized in
section 2 of this act, to be paid to the several States for the purpose of cooperating with
the States in promoting the care of maternity and infancy in the several States: to
provide instruction in the hygiene of maternity and infancy, and the sum authorized
in section 5 for the use of the Children’s Bureau, for the promotion of maternal and
infant hygiene, for the administration of this act, and for the purpose of mailing such
studies, investigations, and reports as will further the efficient administration of this
, Sec. 2. That for the purpose of paying the expenses of said cooperative work in pro
viding the'services and facilities specified in this act, and the necessary printing and
distribution of information in connection with the same, there is permanently author
ized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated,
the sum of $480,000 for each year, $10,000 of which shall be paid annually to each
State, in the manner hereinafter provided: Provided, That there is hereby appropriated
for the use of the States, subject to the provisions of this act, for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1922, an additional sum of $1,000,000, and annually thereafter a sum not to