Full text: Protection of maternity

Senator Jones. To what extent is similar work being carried on in 
the various States? Are -the States now doing this kind of work in 
the way that it should be done ? 
Mrs. Gibbs. Yes; I think they are all striving very hard to come up 
to an ideal along that line. 
Senator Jones. And to what extent are they succeeding ? 
Mrs. Gibbs. Well, it is a matter of very slow growth. I will take 
up a few of. those, if you can give me the time. I feel that this 
American Children’s Hygiene Association has done splendid work 
all over this country. They have their different affiliated societies 
in every State, and Dr. Richard A. Bolt made the statement before 
the other hearing—he is a director—and he said that there are 215 
affiliated societies and that all the leading medical men in the country 
are trying to work out these problems. 
Now, it seems to me 
Senator Jones. Have you any data to show what is being done on 
that question in the State of New Mexico ? 
Mrs. Gibbs. No. The American Children’s Hygiene Association 
has that data. You can get in touch with them and you can get 
excellent data. 
The Chairman. American Children’s Hygiene Association has 
indorsed this bill. 
Mrs. Gibbs. I will take that up in a minute. You see, the whole 
thing is with that association. I have a letter from Dr. Bolt, and he 
says that the American Children’s Hygiene Association, representing 
2,200 members, 215 organizations, and I have his written statement 
with his executive committee of 11 members, and they are the ones 
who decided about the bill, and the affiliated societies, of which I am 
a member, did not discuss it. There has been some high-handed 
methods of getting the indorsement. There have been some star- 
chamber proceedings. I do not accuse Dr. Bolt, but 1 think perhaps 
that he was very much mistaken, because Dr. J. H. Mason Knox, jr., 
who has been a child specialiat in Maryland long before this child 
hygiene association came into being, I have a statement from him 
The Chairman. Are you through with Dr. Bolt? 
Mrs. Gibbs. 1 am simply saving that I $m now going to show that 
this affiliated society of which Dr. J. H. Maxon Knox, jr., is the 
president—he claims that he speaks for 215 affiliated societies. Ihis 
association of which I am a member never indorsed or discussed it. 
The Chairman. But Dr. Bolt has tiled a brief in favor of the bill 
Mrs. Gibbs. But without authority from all of the affiliated asso 
ciations. I feel that perhaps this statement of Dr. J. H. Mason 
Knox, jr., will also have some bearing on that. I can not feel that 
a man who has come to a leading position in his profession in tne 
State of Maryland, who is the head of an affiliated society— I feel 
and it seems to me that Dr. Bolt has exceeded his authority. 
Senator McKellar. Then that would indicate that there is some 
sort of a bureaucracy in the local organization 
Mrs. Gibbs. There are a number of them who have had pressure 
brought to bear on them. This thing is being stamped ed through 
The medical men of the country stand in the midst of great turmoil, 
and to my mind, there has been a very undignified method of forcing 
it through. We have had difficulty' in having a hearing here 
The Chairman. What do you mean that you have had difficulty 
in having a hearing here?

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