Full text: Investing at its best and safeguarding invested capital

Safeguarding Invested Capital, i i 
The innumerable investments on offer have by this 
means been brought within manageable limits for his 
purpose; and knowing, as he now does, what he should 
have, he is likely to obtain just what he wants. 
When the investor has arranged his investments on 
these principles he enjoys the following advantages :— 
He is always in a position to realise part of his invest 
ments without a sacrifice, for it is almost impossible 
that all his investments should simultaneously show a loss. 
The income his investments produce is based upon 
the average yield afforded by stocks of the quality 
he holds in all parts of the world. This average yield 
has been for years past at least J per cent, higher than 
that returned by the same class of security in Great 
Britain. Thus ^10,000 invested in good British De 
bentures at present produces about ^425 per annum, 
while the same sum invested in equally safe Deben 
tures on the principle of Geographical Distribution 
produces ^500 per annum, or nearly 18 per cent, more 
When the advantages offered by a Geographical Dis 
tribution of Capital are realised by all investors, few of 
them will invest on any other system. Its essential 
principles are somewhat opposed to former investment 
methods, to which many people, who dislike changing 
their tactics, still cling, often in the face of uncertainty 
and failure. The belief in such methods must there 
fore be eradicated before Geographical Distribution is 
likely to be generally adopted; but the wide popularity 
which the system already enjoys indicates that that day 
is not far distant.

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