Full text: David Ricardo und die Grenzwerttheorie

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Value dwells not in partieular will, 
It holds its estimate and dignity 
As well wherin ’tis preeious of itself. 
As in the prizer. 
Troilus and Cressida, II. 2. 
Labour is a commodity, which cannot 
be increased and diminished at pleasure. 
D. Ricardo, 
Principles of Political Economy, IX Ch. 
The labour of nature is paid, not be- 
caase she does much, but because she 
does little. In proportion as she becomes 
niggardly in her gifts, she exacts a greater 
price for her work. Where she is muni- 
ficently beneficent, she always works gratis. 
D. Ricardo, 
Principles of Political Economy, 11 Ch.

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