Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

. . 9 . ° . 
Ontario Mines Contribution to a Self-Supporting Canada 
Showing the benefit the Mines are to the Merchant, the Manufacturer, the Farmer and the Laborer 
This is strikingly shown by the following analysis of CHARTS ILLUSTRATING THE METALLIC ngrRal PropucrioN oF ONTARIO 
Ontario’s Mineral Production for 1925, which was. ... $85,800,000 AND THE DIVIDENDS PAID BY ITS GOLD AND SILVER MINES. 
Of this total there was approximately $25,000,000.00 paid — 
in wages, which was expended for the following purposes: METALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTION-ONTARIO 
Meats. ..........oooovn... $2,785,000 ' VALUE (Includes Gold, Silver, Copper, Nickel, etc.) 
Dairy Preduce. ..... ...... 00 3,197,500 
Flour, Bread, etc... ..... 1,817,500 '$100,000,000. —_— 
Bogie, 20, Fier ath ii an 357,500 
BEA: i a, 745,000 $ 90,000000: 
Bemus, oii voit dibioy 65s 212,500 4 80,000,000. 
Cole YER A 97,500 i$p 70,000,000. 
egetales. re ee 847,500 I 
Fuel and Light... .......... 2,352,500 : 60,000,000. 
Rents. soni. anal’ 4,022,500 $ 50,000,000 
Boots and Shoes. ........... 715,000 
Clothing. ......o...... ov. 2,857.50 Ba9s000% 
Health and Doctor. ......... 1,190,000 % 50,000,000 
Sundries and Savings. ...... 3,802,500 '$s 20.000.000 
- $25,000,000 En 
Of this total the Mines spent approximately % 10,000,000 
on Equipment, Supplies, Upkeep, etc., a —O- - so tn 
further $41,000,000.00; which is distributed YEARS— | 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 
as follows: 
Mill Machinery, Repairs and DIVIDENDS PAID BY 
Paris... oon vies 35.470;600 [ 
Chemical Apparatus. ........ 3,916,000 VALUE | ONTARIO GQLD X SILVER MINES 
Explosives. & 00 00 5,000,000 
Freight, Express, etc. ........ 4,540,000 $20,000,000. } 
Heavy Mining Equipment. . . 2,730,000 go 
Poober..co ii... 1,900,000 J8,008,000. 
Cale. na 1,800,000 16,000,000. = i= 
Hardware: ...o. ool chains, 1,910,000 
Sundry Equipment. .. ....... 2,525,000 514,000,000. 
Oil and Pebbles. ............. 840,000 12,000,000 574 
Yosuranee, Pive. ...... 5. ........ 1,465,000 10,000,000 = = = 
$32,090,000 o ede ee 4 y 
Power-Electrical, Air and inci- 8,000.00 
dentals...o...oonee vc cnn 8,910,000 $ 6,000,000 ' 
— — $41,000,000 : . 
Rest Account (invested in Government b 4,000,000; oo 
Bonde.o i... vu vr inion. 5,000,000 $2,090000 
Dividends paid in 1925 amounted to....... $14,800,000 mm Es 
— $85,800,000 ' YEARS— 102) 1922 1923 1924 1025 1026 1027 1928 1929 1930. 

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