Full text: Maps and information issued as aids to the development of the mineral resources along the Canadian national railways in North-Eastern Canada

on sufficient development funds. The Gold Nugget, Crerar area, where Tree and Cabot Township, where recent gold discoveries have been 
New York interests have drilled and developed with good results, has made, and westerly to Schist Lake. Excellent formations with por- 
first class railway transportation facilities. There are also developed phyries occur from Tionaga to Foleyet and up the Ground Hog River 
water-powers on Wanapitie River within easy reach and motor roads south of “Flying Post.” So far consistent gold values are not too 
are being extended to the property. These are essentials to economic common throughout this latter area, and it may indeed be, that this 
mining. section has not been subjected to the secondary intrusions and faulting, 
. - Kf : 1d obtai with consequent enrichments, such as are evidenced closer to and 
If private capital, not dependent on stock Sis you 0 iy immediately on the “height of land” eruptive range. A good water 
long term working options on the Se Be e Daa iL, route from Gogama leads into another promising prospecting section 
an assurance of cheap electric power, Shining Tree gold camp shou move between Fort Mattagami and Gowganda. 
forward. Arrangements have now been completed by the Ontario 
Department of Mines to cut out a roadway from Gowganda to East Sudbury has good hotel accommodation for mining visitors and 
and West Shining Tree, on which a power line of the Northern Canada tourists. There are short train trips to the mining areas and fishing 
Power Company can be extended from Gowganda to West Shining lakes on C.N.R. east of Capreol; and Macgregor Bay (Lake Huron) 
Tree, and this praiseworthy work is now under way. Electric power on the Algoma Eastern Railway, where island scenery is unexcelled. 
preceding, and thereby through later development warranting a rail- , . . . : e 
way, is what is most required for the success of this section north of I outside development capital in any quantity comes nto this 
3: 3btry. section north of Sudbury along the Canadian National Railways lines, 
‘ brings into play the knowledge that has been gained recently in mining 
There is a section of country, shown on the accompanying map, and milling, and will take hold of the most promising prospects, including 
adjacent to the “height of land” which has favorable formations and zine areas, it might reap rewards approximating those obtained in what 
possibilities. This belt extends on north and east of West Shining might be termed the more popular gold and silver districts. 
— en —— : WET a YTS TT . 
$35,000,000. — 
Soa tit 
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$25,000,000 } 2ggz08e — 
$20,000,000 = | 
"$15,000,000.} Bs pid 
$10,000,000 | 3 . 
i 1 
$ 5,000,000} _— emg 
-Q- . 
_YEARS-| 102] 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1027 1928 1929 1930 

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