Full text: Commercial Education

Commercial Education in England 17 
entries ; and when it is added that almost 11% 
took a ‘Civil Service Course’; over 8% a 
“ Professional Preliminary ’ ; and well over 15% 
Various special professional and trade courses, 
ranging from the needs of Solicitors to those of 
Retail Meat Traders, it will be seen how relatively 
few must be the entries for the ‘ General Com- 
mercial Course > which can alone provide some 
elements of the Business Economies which the 
Board of Education thought so essential In 
fact, they account for under 7195 of the whole 
number of entries. 
When we pass to the entries for grouped 
Courses in a second year, we find the total 
number (not of students but of enrolments in 
particular courses) was 3,274. It would seem 
therefore that about two out of three of the 
senior students continue their studies for a 
Second year : a much more encouraging state of 
things than is presented by the Junior Courses. 
41% of these registrations were for Shorthand ; 
almost 22%, for Book-keeping and Accountancy ; 
almost 19%, for Languages ; and for the second 
year of the ° General Commercial Course’ 
about 9%. 
Several of these Institutes provide third year 
courses, and, in a few cases, courses for even later 
years. The total number of enrolments in 
third year and later classes was 2,319 ; again, in

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