Cape Corso, The, 77. Contentin, The (France), 165.
Capella, The (Germany), 825. Continental Tyre and Rubber Co.,
Carlos F. Roses, The (U.S.A.), 78. Lim. ». Daimler Co., Lim., 60,
Carolina, The, 157. 67.
Carolina (No. 2), The, 87. Corbridge, The (Germany), 168.
Carolina (No. 3), The, 192. Corcovado, The (France), 78, 96.
Caroline, The, 209, 211. Corier Maritimo, The, 269.
Carrington wv. Merchants’ Insur- Cornigliano, The (Austria), 46.
ance Co. (U.8.A.), 119, 220. Corsican Prince, The, 32, 285.
Castor, The, 175, 317. Cosmopolite, The, 221.
Catharina Elizabeth, The, 260. Cotton Plant, The (U.S.A.), 40.
Catherine and Anna, The, 276. Countess of Lauderdale, The, 3819.
Cervignano, The (Italy), 44, 127, Craft Captured on the Victoria
153, 248, 312. Nyanza, 33, 35.
Ceylon, The, 289. Craft Seized in the Port of Smyrna
Chantaboon, The (Siam), 29, 145, (Turkey), 59.
152, 322. Craigisla, The, 194.
Charlotte, The, 220. Craiova, The (Russia), 28, 73, 74,
Charming Betsy, The (U.S.A.), 269. 98.
Chateaubriand, The, 32, 287. Cretic, The, 271.
Cheref, The (France), 262. Cubano, The (Germany), 98.
Cheshire, The (U.S.A.), 66. Curlew, The, 277, 290.
Chile, The, 11, 16, 123, 125, 130, Cushing v. Laird (U.S.A.), 19, 88,
309. 314.
China, The (China), 97. Cydnus, The (France), 70.
Christian Boles, The (Japan), 212. Czar Nicolai II., The (France), 80,
Christiania, The (France), 118. 82, 106, 139, 140, 312.
Christianiafjord, The (France), 41.
Christiansberg, The, 284.
Christopher, The, 260, 803, 304. Ee
Chrysopolis, The (Italy), 825. Dacia, The (France), 93, 95, 163,
Chrysopolis (No. 2), The (Italy), 299.
Ela Dahlia, The (Germany), 270.
Chrysopolis (No. 8), The (Italy), Daifjie, The, 157.
219. Daksa, The, 85.
Chrysopolis (No. 4), The (Italy), Dampfer unbekannten Namens
45. (Austria), 218.
Circassian, The (U.S.A.), 234. Dan, The (Italy), 825.
Clan Grant, The, 77. Danckebaar Africaan, The, 87, 102.
Cleary v. McAndrew (Galam, The), Dandolo, The, 167.
281. Danube, The, 103.
Colonia, The (France), 93, 95. Davanger, The (Germany), 72, 304,
Columbia, The, 231, 234, 236, 287. 318.
Commercen, The (U.S.A.), 282. Deike Rickmers, The (China), 27.
Comte de Smet de Naeyer, The Delos, The (Belgium), 42.
(Germany), 46, 157. Den of Airlie, The, 322.
Concadoro, The, 136. Derfflinger, The, 59, 130, 140.
Congo (ex Ingraban), The (Portu- Der Mohr, The, 275.
gal), 141, 300, 313. Diana, The, 286.
Conqueror, The, 165. Direct United States Cable Co. wv.
Consul Corfitzon, The, 6, 15, 88, Anglo-American Telegraph Co.,
188, 304, 315. 15.5110.