Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

land Aggressiveness Test (119) requiring the sub- 
ject to do problems in mental arithmetic while staring 
the examiner in the eye. 
Technique. A convenient basis for classifying tests is 
the number of persons who may be tested at one time. This 
classification is commonly limited to two categories: 
1. Individual tests 
2. Group tests 
It is pertinent here to point out the relative advantages 
of these two types of test. 
A test which can be given to a group of persons at once 
has the advantage that it reduces the cost, and the time of 
the examiner. With the right motivation it is not difficult 
to preserve order, and cheating may be controlled by the 
exercise of care. A suitable room equipped for the purpose 
is desirable. 
The group test has some disadvantages. It limits the 
variety of reactions which may be studied. If it requires 
duplicating expensive apparatus the cost may outweigh the 
saving in time. 
The individual test, the test given to one person at a time, 
demands more of the examiner, but permits the use of more 
elaborate apparatus and the measurement of a greater 
variety of reactions. 
In theory some small weight may attach to the distinc- 
tion between the two types of tests in the way they repro- 
duce the job conditions; that is, if the job requires the men 
to work together in groups, then in theory group tests may 
be the kind to use, and if they work singly, individual tests 
may be preferable. Such considerations would, however, 
have weight only if the job analysis had shown that an im- 
portant social aspect of the job were closely reproduced by 
the test situation. 
The individual test not only allows a wider latitude in 
testing, but is often more practical in application, since can- 
didates must usually be examined singly. 

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