Full text: Procedures in employment psychology

bonuses i 39 prediction of success from 190-196 
length of service = 39-40 questionnaire items 172-173 
nhs in societies 41 & test scores 170-173 
outpu 35-36 rouping scales 12 
ratings Hoh 41-42 Guessing 117, hi 
responsibility 41 questionnaires 149 
salary 38-39 tests 
standardized examinations 36-38 Gun pointer test Togs Ne 
standing in corporation schools 34-35 
time of training 34 H 
trade status 41 Halo effect 134- 8 
t u : 34-135, 13 
use in selecting subjects 49-51 Hartshorne, H. 85, 89, 120 
Critical scores and sections Hayes, M. H. S. ¥32-133, 171-172 
182-184, 190-196, 203-206 fon Wm. £5 
epner, H. W. 85 
Hines, M. 108 
D H 2, . 
ollerith machines 6 
Davenport, C. B. 60, 85, 164 Hollingworth, H. L. 51, 80-82 ‘5 
Dawley, A. 171-172 Holzinger, K. J. 174, 185 
Dennison Company rating scale 129-131 Huffaker, C. L. 211 
Deseripatye scales 127-131 Hull, C. L. 176 
ewey, E. 84, 171 
Difference, significance of a I 
171-173, 204-205, 262 : le 
Difficulty analysis 71-173, 204-205 66 Installation of examinations 222-228 
Directions test 102 Interests 64, 145-146 
Dodd, S. C. 176 analysis of 64 
Dodge, R. 109-110 measurement of I45-146 
Doherty, M. gs Interview 
Downey, J. 84, 118-120 18-20, 28-29, 153-154, 217, 225-228 
Duties employment procedure 217, 225-227 
see Job analysis getting questionnaire information 153-154 
Ib analysis 18-20, 28-29 
E eaving 227-228 
Economic value of examinations 215-221 J 
Education and training, analysis of 62-63 Job analysis 13-29, 72 
Esprit de corps 221 definition 13 
Examinations duties 21-28, 72 
see Tests; Rating scales; Questionnaires assistant buyer 21-26 
Examiner 156, 159-161, 222-223, 225-228 printer 26-28 
Eyesight of workers 52 secretary 72 
. shell inspector 21 
F importance of 13-14 
Fernald, M. R. 171-172 Inonip ons 1 ki 
Finger dexterity test ) 106, 108 procedure in making ry 
Forms io pdministindion PR sources of information 18-20 
Fourfold table method 179-182, 188  § he 3 R 1 
Franz, S. I. 84-85 fora Gi 160 
Freyd, M. 61, 85, 123, 131-132, TEE oT 4 
136-137, 146, 149, 172, 195 K 
G Beller cong fuction test 5 105 
y Le 66-167, 176 
Garfiel, E. 211 elley, : 451 S210 ; 
General common factor 68 ff 132, 788, 199-201, 2105221, 209 
J Kemble, W. F. 85 
General Electric Company Kenagy, H. G 61, 192-103 
57, 108, 157, 223-224 ie ? 
attitude of workers toward tests 157 ry F.A hoe 
finger dexterity test 108 Kirby, G.H., 60 84 
giving out test scores 57 Knight, F. B. 139 
Gi fiscond sheet 22372 2 Kornhauser, A. W. 8s 
Gilbreth, F. J. 28 
Gilliland, A. R. 93-94, 105 - 
Graphic presentation of results Langfeld, H. S. 84 
: 217-218, 230-231 Langlie, T. A. 117 
Graphic rating scale 128-133, 135-138 LaRue, D. W. 60, 85 
Gregg, R. B. 14 Leaving 39-40, 227-228 
Group comparisons 170-173, 190-196 interview at 227-228 
group with a sub-group 171-172 reasons for 39-40, 227-228 

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