Full text: Migration and business cycles

CHART 18° 
140 7 WT TT : - 
1907 (1908 | 1909 | 1910 ion | 1912 lo'l13 | 1014 | 1015 | 1916 | 1017 [1918 | 1919 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 
130 : ! — Lote oo LI = 
120 | { t | 1 | | 
[HQ  — 
he (Arrivals less Departures) 
{By Months 
80 Black = Both Sexes 
70 : White Line = Males 
60 + ° 
a 50 
“1 30 
tr 20 
~N 9 
1] . rt 
0 | vf : i T 
= No 
| Wy 
-20 yo 
=30 i 1 j ; i | 
5 : i ] i 
1907! 1908] 1909] {S10 | 1911 | 191241913 | 1914 [1915 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 | 1920] 192] | 1922 (1923 
sNumerical data in Tables 23 and 24. 
Alien immigrants and nonimmigrants less alien emigrants and nonemigrants, of both sexes. 
Thousands of persons. 
ear | Total | Jan. Feb. Mar. | Apr. May | June | July | Aug. | Sort. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 
for Year| 
a fe 
1007 0 ut lr ie» JRA CLS 60. 88 71 6473.7 88. 2 d11.3 
1908 4.4 d27.2| d420.4| * 410.5| d13.0| d19.4| d14.4| 4 8.0 12.8 18.8 12.4| 27.7 
1909 802.71" 36.9] 66.9] 112.5] 114.1| 95.9] 68.3 50.0 43.5] 55.1]. 61.5 58.9 39.0 
1910 763.001 37.21" 48.4] 121.1 113.0] 110.1}F 79.7] 43.1]  54.3]8 57.418 61.1|¢ 31.4 7-0 
1911 326.00" 12.8( 24.5] 58.1} 74.4| ‘62.5 25.4) 48.1] 10.8[F 28.41" 35.7 1.718140.2 
1912 646. 7\15.6(0 25.61" 67.8( 30.9]8 90.3% 53.3|W47.7| "51.48 85.2/8879.3(} 38.0 11.8 
1913 1018.01 d1.8| 41.2] 90.4| 129.7| 102.3| 140.3] 91.9] 93.6| 118.8] 98.5] 63.1 50.1 
1914 262.918d16. 10 21.4! '80.1{ '92.0G(" 69.1 6.9/0 17.1):9°2.9 9.9 5.8 4d 5.4] d15.1 
1915 43.0 410.9 4. 5M ng ad. 101407 7-.0lF 311. 11"d14 308 412.0 4.9 3.3] 4 0.6 
1916 263.9 7. 3|8 10. al8 a3 slita6 1 a4 7K 22. 2(k 18.2] 21.4] 129.3|8"28.3|8 24.2| 1" 13.8 
1917 80.7 19.6] 14.7 14.1] 18.8 5.3 3.6 2.9 2.2 1.7 3.8/0d 4.50 d 1.5 
1918 41.5084 4. 118d 3,7 0.6 1.5 39.3] 419.6 0.4 5.6 4.8 12.0 2.3 2.4 
1919 4.6084 5. 11°d 1. 418d (1.2 5.5]"d 0. 31a 4.12 5 7|5d10.3 4.9) 11.3] 4 9.8, 19.9 
1920 495.1 3.2! 22.6|824.2| 40.2] 46.3] 45.88 42.50836.71 "62.3 63.21% 54.8] 51.3 
1921 230.118 45.937. 0/F 47.9/2°38.0| 852.6" 116.2 8.6] 10.4 3.1 7-0/8 15.0|d 3.2 
1922 277.4 7.0 3.2 8.8 4.21813. 7 0 3| 22.4] 35.5] 49.8] 53.4] 44.9] 25.2 
1923 706.8] 26.8] 29.9 42.7| 51.4/ 50.5] 40.5] 76.3] 83.2] 91.3] 82.4 86.9] 44.9 
aA portion of the above table is compiled from unpublished statistics made available by the courtesy 
of the U. S. Bureau of Immigration; the balance is based upon data also compiled by the Bureau of Im- 
migration and appearing in the following publications: U. S. Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, 
Immigration Statement and Inward Passenger Movement (July, 1907, to February, 1909, inclusive); Im- 
migration Bulletin (March, 1909, to December, 1917, inclusive); U. S. Immigration Service Bulletin (April 
1, 1918, to August 1, 1919); and the Annual Reports of the Commissioner General of Immigration. For 
some portions of the post-war period the monthly data were obtained from the U. S. Bureau of Labor 
Statistics, Monthly Labor Review. 
d—excess of departures over arrivals. 
*—] ess than 50.

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