Full text: Migration and business cycles

(Thousands of Immigrants) 
YEAR [Tomar] JAN. | FEB. | MAR. | APR. | May | June | Jury | Ave. | SEPT. | Oct. | Nov. | Dec. 
1892 [ne ele A Sahay elie ld Ciletis | 28.5 25.5 F151 8.5 (115.100113.0 
1803 '308.2¢| 8.8 | ‘8.2 | 28.7 | 51.8 | 65.2 i436 1 98a 95.5 "1a 1a [D6 [173 
1894 :141.1c¢ 59 G3 0IN13. 1 24. 400019 7R12.8 9.6 8.9 1S 1112.3 8.2 8.3 
1895 [186.1¢ 5.5 6.3 11.6 °' 26.3 | 23.9 1119.6 "15.4 114.5 17.3|116.1 13.611'10.8 
1896 |188.8¢ 701 11.2 25.8: 34.0" '37.9/'16.4: 1112.4 0.9 SET 9.8 8.26.3 
1897 [129.8 4.8 S.SN14. 1H E2100] 3 F111 .8 8.3 7.3 9.6|'10.1 8.1 7-8 
1898 [156.7 6.1 7.91018 1 E730 | 19.8 9.6 | 11.8 0.40813 .2[13.9(013.60" 10.9 
1899 1231.5 7.2 0.9 921.,91]128.2 "34. 71123.3 |Nf4.:3 1] 45:1 16.31] 21.6 21.3 1 17:1 
1900 314.0 + 11.9 | 17.4 38.3 | 45.8 48.3 | 36.2 | 24.1 19.7. 3818.01 20.9016. 7 1.6.6 
190100 362.5.|813.2 1120.5 8835. 0.1851.) 859.2 {836.1 | 22.17 20.4 26.4 | 25.7 
1902 527.3 17.1({+28.9 64.8 li75.1 80.11 1552.90 033.3 11128.8 0834. 8i140 5836.71 34.3 
1903 660.3 23.511 37.6 75.5,(100.3 99.81 63.1 43.9. 41.0 46.8 51.2 43.9 28.7 
15040 539.9 I 19.5| 22.3 | 2.1 {"é0.3 1 69.6 457! 37.0.1 36.6 39.2 | 225 26.6 24.4 
1905 [725 4 47. 5/18572.3.5101.8 1107.00 95.4 1879 83 S040:.7 W380 8 46.2 | 152-4038 S419 
1906 1857.3 36.0 (452.57104.9 1114.7 108.887 753.9 32.6 0960.6 [66.00[N65.160.4 
1007 1961.8 40.6 [1851.2 1113.7 (116.9 7137.8 [111.2 1865.2 1863.2 B64. 41072. 5 80.4044 8 
1908 1241.9 | 17.9! 14.6 | 21.2 {125.0820 481117. 3314S EIN1 5.28850 4 [i929 2129) 531 3 
1909 665.7 33.3852 701800.0 (120.048 73.7 [455°8 41.6 37 Late anl 47.4 (135. 70048 
19100748 .1 236.9: 1044. 58110.2 504.6 906.7 1872.1 IR47.2 0049 9 W514 1850 11i[ 47. 30373 
1911 (488.2 24.1 [823.7 110:60.5 (8:69.09 8860.8 842. 9 [820 38 N28 48833 .16|037.5[ 35.79036.5 
1912 [674.6 24.91830.111866.9 (871.2 5875.8 {159.8 (840. 08053 28066. 1163.1 [60.00 48.6 
1913 [936.0 30.81 40.4 | 69.2 ! 99.7 | 97.4 1124.8 | 94.7 | 84.6 | 87.0) 82.9 | 65.6 59.0 
1914 439.5008 28 518 30 8 N67. 1 87.9 1569 8 4gi0l 32.90/21 5 [17.1 | 16.6 12.30 11.6 
1915 153.4 I 9.1 7.90011. 50 E14, SARTS 7 HENS 7113.08 813 4 Bf i145] | 14.6 (14.4 11.3 
19160213 .1 FI810.9 [8 157 [118.2 19.7 R191 17.8 N13. 80017. 48027. 711020) .6'(#20. 301.8).'] 
1917 90.3 815.61 11,2 9. 0ulr12.7 6.6 6.7 5.5 5.06 4.8 4.5 3.4 3.8 
1918 65.8 3.4 4.1 3.9 5.4. 8.8 8.7 4.4 4.2 5.4 6.6 4.6 6.4 
1919 1137.7 | 5.9 6.8 8.7 | 10.5 gol l1ely | 11 lola. 7 [135 9M lf 1603 i141 190 
1920 1414.1 | 17.3] 18.3 | 24.7 | 30.2 132.4733. 7" "37.0 | 38:7 1043.1 | 46.6 | 41.7 | 45.5 
1921 [290.2 37.2 1.32.9 1735,1'1"32.4 836.2 [123.11 17.07A18. 1 16.6 | 14.9 | 15.8 | 11.0 
1922 203.9 8.2 5.7 7.9 9.500121 13.1 11523.0923 8 1526.8 028.8 (26.518 4 
192300460. 4 0:016.6 | 18.9129. 58833. 90833.64N27 600 53.554 15 | 53.4 50.8 |154.3:1.33.9 
1924 203.8 20.8] 18.0 22.7 [22.6 C1876 | 20.2% ‘6.61 13 11'15 1 | 14.4 | 16.2 | 15.4 
aThe monthly data for July 1892 to June 1965, inclusive are compiled from the U. S. Bureau of Sta- 
tics, Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance; for the remainder of the period they are from the pub- 
lications or records of the U. S. Bureau of Immigration. 
bMonthly statistics of immigration by sex are not available prior to July, 1892. 
on 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1905, and 1906, the totals of the monthly figures for male immigrants, 
when added to similar statistics of female immigrants also compiled by the U. S. Bureau of Statistics, give 
totals differing somewhat from the official totals published by the U. S. Bureau of Immigration. 

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