Full text: Valuation, depreciation and the rate base

against the land whether under this name or under the name 
of “water right,” or otherwise, might be agreed to, such that 
the capital remaining in the canal enterprise, as a proposition 
apart from the land, would be reduced to a reasonable amount. 
If neither of these alternatives are adopted the canal venture 
may be permanently unprofitable, from the standpoint of present 
owners. This will be the case when the rates that would yield 
interest on the investment are in excess of the value of the 
service rendered and cannot be supplemented by a participa- 
tion of the canal owner in the unearned increment which the 
construction of the canal has brought to the land owner. 
As another illustration a railroad may be considered which 
was primarily constructed for the development of a tract of 
land or for the development of mineral or timber resources. 
There can be no question that when considered from the broad 
standpoint of the advantage to society the construction of a 
railroad under such circumstances may be justified. When this 
railroad begins to serve the public and the freight tariff and 
passenger rates are to be fixed, these may have to be established 
on the basis of the fair value of the service rendered without 
any attempt to make the earnings yield interest on the capital 
invested in the road, or suitable consideration may have to be 
given to the fact that a part of the investment was made for 
the benefit of some special enterprise such as a rock quarry or 
a lumber business and should not have been charged to the 
road at all. 
These limitations upon the use of an appraisal as an element 
for consideration in fixing rates are fully recognized, but these 
and other limitations are not such as to detract from the de- 
sirability of referring to and using appraisals under ordinary 
Basis for Sale Price — Business Enterprises. — Everyone 
who engages in a business enterprise must know: 
The cost of the article in which he deals at the time the article 
is sold. 
The cost of the plant such as buildings, roads and equipment

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