Full text: Our industrial jungle

Chapter XI 
1 the very heart of this jungle of conflicting 
interests, contradictory energies and perplexingly 
tangled cross purposes, there is a sign-post erected. 
It has a score of directing pointers, radiating like 
the spokes of a cart wheel, every one being inscribed 
¢ This way to Beulah’. A Babel of advice from 
multitudinous friends, philosophers and guides 
makes discord and confusion, but brings little 
light to the prevailing uncertainty. This possibly 
arises from the fact that none of our wise masters 
can see any further from his own nose than the 
distance between it and the nearest dear comrade’s 
nose, which it is his noble and disinterested desire 
to flatten. I suppose the main controversy does 
not range round the fact of the jungle, or what 
caused its growth and development, but that 
unanimously granted, the difficulty appears to be 
to make a decision as to which of the many pre- 
scribed avenues to blessedness should be taken. 
To me, as a potential pilgrim, the difficulty is 
not a choice of roads so much as a choice of com- 
pany. They all lead somewhere, and by some 
fortuitous chance may lead the way I want to go. 
I have, however, had so much advice in my time 
that I hesitate taking any more. Experience may 
not always teach much, but it does engender 
caution. Before I could decide upon my path, I 
must take cognisance of the fact that, whichever 
way I decide upon, it will be a very long way. First 
Q 5

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