Full text: Modern monetary systems

ArTALION, M., 92 note, 104 note, Coinage : 
113 note, 114 note, 155 note Free Coinage and the Value of 
Ansiaux, Maurice, 102 note, 218 note Money Metals, 168 et seq. 
Argentine Republic, Monetary Re- Unit of Account, 163 
forms, 39, 41, 212 Constant Purchasing Power, Cur- 
Arnauné, M., 22 note, 130 note rency with, 194 ef seg. 
Austria-Hungary : Currency Committee (Lord Cun- 
Exchange Policy during War, 55 liffe), 1920, 72 
Monetary Reforms, 44 ef seq., Currency Expansion and Price 
88 et seq. Movements, 101 ef seq. 
Price Movements and Currency Czecho-Slovakia : 
Expansion, 92, 113 Price Movements and Currency, 
Bimetallism : Stabilisation of Currency, 76 et 
Classical Theory contrasted with, seq. 
97 et seq. 
Definition, 7 Damiris, M., 38 note 
End of System, 27 ef seg. Décamps, M., 60 note, 212 note 
Establishment and working of, Deflation in England after War, 72 
14 et seq. Depreciation in relation to Ex- 
Free Coinage under, 15, 16, 166 change Phenomena, 126 ef seq. 
et seq. Deschamps, A., 195 note, 196 note 
Gold and Silver, Ratio between, Desparny, Albert, 106 note 
17 et seq. Double Standard, see Bimetallism 
Operation of System, 1814-73, 
16 et seq. England : 
Silver Fluctuations in Monometal- Currency Inquiry, 1920, 108 
list Countries, 19 Deflation after War, 72 
Stable Exchange Ratio between Discount Rate raised, 1920, 73 
Gold and Silver, 23, 167 Gold Standard, Effects of, 15 
Bodin, Jean, 103 note Price Movements, 1920-22, 73 
Boislandry-Dubern, M., 68 note Trade Balance and Improvement 
Bonnet, M., 74 note in Sterling, 75 
Bourguin, Maurice, 164 nofe, 178 Englis, Herr, 82 
note, 185 Excess Production, see Quantity 
Brazil, Free Export of Gold, Pro- Theory. 
hibition, 50 note, 212 Exchanges: 
Bridrey, M., 16 note Abnormal, Causes of, 133 
Austria, War-time Policy, 55 
Cannan, Edwin, 143 note Automatic Adjustment Hypo- 
Carron, Pierre, 106 note thesis, 150 ef seq. 
Carver, T. N., 102 note Bills of Exchange, 204 
Cassel, Gustav, 50 nofe, 87 note, 148, Crises, Causes 5 133 et seq. 
149, 150, 153, 156, 157, 194, Fluctuations after the War, 57, 
203 58, 59 
Cauwes, Paul, 23 note, 168 note Fluctuations, Principles govern- 
Cernuschi, Henri, 178 note ing, 12, 138 ef seq., 146 
Classical Theory of Money, Criticism, Germany, War-time Policy, 55 
97 et seq. Gold Points, Definition, 11, 129 

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