Full text: The American Tabacco Company and the Imperial Tobacco Company

Tobacco is grown in various sections of the eastern and east central 
nis of the United States. Cigar-leaf types are grown chiefly in 
isconsin, the Connecticut Valley, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida. 
Of the manufacturing and export types, bright southern is grown 
most extensively and is used by both foreign and domestic manu- 
facturers in the manufacture of smoking tobacco and cigarettes. 
This type, comprising the new belt and old belt regions, is grown in 
central and southern Virginia, North Carolina, northeastern South 
Caroling, and southern Georgia. Burley, which is used in plug and 
smoking tobaccos and also in cigarettes, 1s used chiefly by the domestic 
manufacturers. The bulk of this type is grown in Kentucky, 
although some is also grown in Tennessee, southern Indiana, Ohio, 
Missouri, and West Virginia. The dark-western types which include 
the dark-fired tobacco grown in the Paducah, Ky., and Clarksville. 
Tenn., districts, the one-sucker, stemming, and Green River types, 
are grown in Kentucky and Tennessee. These types are purchased 
chiefly by the snuff companies and by dealers for export purposes. 
There is also grown a dark type of tobacco in southwestern Virginia 
which is used in plug and smoking tobaccos and for Za. Another 
The known as Virginia sun-oured, which is used chiefly for flat plug 
tobacco, is produced in a few counties in central Virginia. In 
Maryland tobacco of a light air-cured type is produced in five 
counties, most of which is exported. 
The production of the various types of tobacco for the years 1920- 
1924 inclusive. is shown in the table below: 
TaBLE 1.~—Total production of tobacco, by types, for the years 1920-1924, inclusive 
(compiled from data published by Bureau of the Census, United States 
Department of Commerce) 
[Thousand pounds) 
Cigar a 
Burley mean =e 
Dark western... -.....- srareene 
Virginia sun OUFE...omammemsennnareoeens 
VIgInia ark... oon raccecenennan eae eae 
Old Plt eee ee 
Sow belt ooooo Cs 
XDOTL tYPOS.  ceeeammmmamcemcmamnen ne 
Other types. ooo ooo oe een 
920 | 1921 | 1922 | 
233, 412 
315, 259 
205, 767 
9, 048 
45, 600 
36, 917 
217, 936 
220, 849 
203, 216 
24, 600 
174, 202 
~~’ 990 
271, 710 
302, 392 
©, 075 
43, 095 
240, 681 
232, 649 
29, 200 
10 812 
1. BR2. 295 
1. 069, 693 
1, 324, 540 
1023 | 1924 
169, 641 
310, 740 
248, 667 
5, 220 
221, 240 
219, 680 
22, 520 
1.249 623 
1.474, 786 
The total production of tobacco of all types in recent years has not 
equaled the production in 1920, which was almost 1,600,000,000 
pounds. In 1924 it is estimated that the crop was about 340,000,000 
pounds less than the 1920 crop or 1,243,000,000 pounds. Of this 
amount, the cigar types represented about 1314 per cent, burley 

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