THis study of the earlier development of banking theories in
the United States has grown out of a doctoral thesis presented
at Harvard University in 1923, and is now published through
the generous interest of the Department of Economics of
that University.
In pursuing his research the author has become indebted
to Professor Davis R. Dewey, of the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, and to Professor Edwin R. A. Seligman, of
Columbia University, for having graciously accorded him
the privilege of examining at leisure the collections of early
American tracts contained in their private libraries. To
these scholars I gladly acknowledge a deep sense of gratitude.
I would also express appreciation to Professor Henry B.
Gardner, my senior colleague and the head of the Depart-
ment of Economics at Brown University, for having read the
manuscript and offered helpful criticism. And, finally, I
would make such acknowledgment as the printed page per-
mits to Professor Allyn A. Young of Harvard University.
A profound scholar, inspiring teacher, and generous friend,
his interest has done much to point the way and to minimize
its difficulties.
September. 1026