Full text: The statistical verification of social and economic theory

President of the Association: 
Tar WarpEN oF Waban. 
Honorary Associates: 
Miss Jane Appawms. Tue Riear Hox. aE Warpex or NEw 
Mgs. Siovey Barr, CorrEGE. 
Dame Hesxrierea Baryerr, D.B.E. Tux Rien Hox, Siz Horace Prunkerr. 
Tre Rienr Rev, Bisuor Gore. Tar Rent Rev. mae Loro Bsuor ox 
Sir Henry Hapow. WINCHESTER, 
Tue Ricur Rev. ae Lorp Bisuor or Tar Most Rev. tae Lorp ARCHBISHOP 
- Lovpox. : ‘or York. 
Tue Rierr Rev. mae Lorn Bisuop or 
Trae Provost or OriEr. = 
Dame Hexrierra Barxerr, D.B.E, 
Proressor W. G. S. Apams. 
Hon, Secretaries : 
Tue Rev. Dr. A. J. Carryyre, 
Hon. Treasurer; 
Mgrs. GErRrANS. 
Hon. Assistant Secretary : 
Mgrs. W. M. GrLoart, 
Hon. Auditors: 
Mgzssns. Price, Warernouse & Co., 3 Frederick’s Place, 0ld Jewry, E.C. 2. 
Barcravs Bank Lap., 92 High Street, Oxford. 
Prormssor W. G. S. Apams. 
Tae Master or Barton. 
Dame Hexrierra Barxerr, D.B.E. 
Str Gramam Bavroun. 
Proressor Brizrry. 
Miss C. V. Burien. 
Tue Rev. Dr. A. J. CarLyLE. 
Mg, BE. S. CanrwricHT. 
Mz. E. Sr. J. CazcurooL. .- 
Mgrs. H. A. L. Fisazr. 
Mrs. W. M. GELpagt. 
Mgrs. GERRANS, = 
Mz. S. P. Gruxpy., 
Rev. F. BE. HUrcHINSON, 
Miss G. E. Hapow. 
Tue Rev. Dr. W. W. Jacksox. 
TuePrixcrearorLapy Marearer Harr, 
Prorrssor MACGREGOR. 
Tue Provost or Orin. 
Mz. C. S. Orwry, 
Mz. W. D. Ross.” 
Me. H. K. SaLvesex. 
Mz. B. H. Sum~ER. 
Miss A. W. Trackrray. 
Tue Warpey or Toyvser ‘Harr, 
Tue Master or UNiversiry. 
Miss M. Vewasies. 
Tur WarpeN or Wapmam. 
Mrs. W. BE, Hey.

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