Full text: Customs regulations and procedure in Great Britain and Northern Ireland

under the authority of the respective Powers to which the breeding 
grounds of such herds belong and have been officially marked and 
certified as having been so taken. 
Snuff Work * 
Spirits (not being cordials, or perfumed or medicinal spirits), 
except -— 
(1) In ships of 40 tons registered tonnage at least.t 
(2) In casks or other vessels capable of containing liquids, 
each of such casks or other vessels being of the size or content 
of 9 gallons at the least, and duly reported (see page 38) ; or 
(3) In glass or stone bottles, properly packed in cases, and 
forming part of the cargo of the importing ship, and duly 
Stamps, Fictitious, viz. ‘—Any facsimile or imitation, or repre- 
sentation, whether on paper or otherwise, of any stamp for denoting 
any rate of postage, including any stamp for denoting a rate of 
postage of any British possession or of any foreign country. The 
prohibition extends to any die, plate, instrument or materials for 
making any such stamps. 
Tobacco, viz. :— 
(1) Tobacco Stalks whether manufactured or not.* 
(2) Tobacco Stalk Flour * 
(3) Tobacco, sweetened (whether manufactured or unmanu- 
factured) except as otherwise specially provided in any Acts 
relating to the Customs. Such special provision exists in 
respect of Cavendish or Negrohead tobacco, which is admissible 
on condition that it is warehoused|| in the first instance in an 
approved tobacco warehouse. 
(4) Tobacco cut and compressed by mechanical or other 
means. ‘The tobacco referred to is cut tobacco which is com- 
pressed over and above any process necessarily applied to the 
tobacco in the ordinary manufacture and cutting. 
(8) Tobacco, Cavendish or Negrohead, containing the leaves 
of trees or plants other than of the tobacco plant. 
* This prohibition may be removed or modified by special permission of 
the Commissioners of Customs and Excise. 
ft This restriction is not applicable to spirits imported by aircraft. 
1 Spirits to be used in the manufacture of power methylated spirits may 
be imported as bulk cargo subject to certain conditions. 
| Except when it is imported as surplus stores (see page 32), by parcel 
post, or in small quantities in the baggage of passengers,

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