fullscreen: The agricultural output of England and Wales 1925

acres, while Lincoln (Holland), Norfolk and Middlesex have rather 
under 20,000 acres apiece. 
The size of holdings devoted mainly to fruit or vegetable 
production varies in different parts of the country. Middlesex 
with over 30 per cent. of its holdings in this category shows the 
high average of 31 acres per holding, and Kent, which is second 
only to Worcester in the number of holdings of this type, averages 
27 acres per holding, an average which is exceeded slightly by 
Essex. As compared with these averages that of Worcester, 
L1} acres, is small, while the strawberry gardens of Hampshire 
average only about 7 acres each. 
9. Poultry holdings.—The number of holdings specifically 
classified as poultry holdings is 4,500, but in view of the fact that 
the fowls on these holdings only account for about 12 per cent. 
of the total number on agricultural holdings in the country, it is 
clear that poultry play an important, though possibly not an all- 
important part on a great many other small holdings. The 
particulars relating to this group are of some value in indicating 
the character of holdings of this type. The average size is 
7 acres and practically all of them are under 20 acres. The 
average number of fowls kept runs to 118 per acre as compared 
with an average of less than 10 on ordinary small holdings of 
1—5 acres. It is interesting to note that although these are 
almost purely poultry farms they still have a certain number of 
other livestock in addition, a cow and a few pigs being not 
The cropping and livestock of these farms is as follows ;— 
(Per 100 Acres of Crops and Grass.) 
Corn crops  - 
Fruit - - - - 
Other crops (including bare fallow) - 
Permanent grass - 
Cattle - - - 
Sheep - - ” : 
Pigs - - - - 
- 11,794.00 
These holdings are most numerous in Lancashire, with 870, 
and the three adjoining counties, Lancashire, Yorkshire (West 
Riding) and Cheshire account for just over 1,400 or over 30 per 
cent, while Essex, Kent, Sussex, Surrey and Hampshire together 
have 1,100 or 24 per cent. of the total number classified under 
this heading. 
10. Ownership of holdings.—The question of the area of 
agricultural land and the number of holdings farmed by their 
owners is one of considerable interest. Information on this point

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