Full text: Policies of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America

that there may be a continuation and a development of these bene- 
fits, we ask that the Congress of the United States remove the 
restrictions upon quantities of Cuban products which may be 
imported into the United States. These restrictions, originally 
enacted many years ago under conditions which have now substan- 
tially changed, prevent the mutuality of advantage in the use of 
the parcel post essential if a successful convention is to be main- 
tained. (Resolution, Fourteenth Annual Meeting, 1926.) 
Harsh and inequitable customs regulations and complicated 
customs formalities constitute one of the most serious impediments 
to the normal development of foreign trade. In 1923 the Interna- 
tional Chamber of Commerce participated in the formulation of the 
international convention relating to the simplification of customs 
formalities, which became effective in November, 1924. The Cham- 
ber of Commerce of the United States, which assisted the Interna- 
tional Chamber of Commerce in this work, is impressed with the 
benefits to international commerce which will accrue from a wide- 
spread adherence to this convention, which has already been ratified 
by more than a dozen countries. The Chamber of Commerce of 
the United States therefore urges that for the purpose of promoting 
a freer commerce among nations, the responsible officials of the 
United States government give consideration to the adherence of 
our government to this convention. (Resolution, Fourteenth Annual 
Meeting, 1926.) 
The federal government should, for protection of head waters 
of navigable streams and to the extent permitted by existing law, 
acquire, reseed, and replant waste lands on which reproduction of 
forest growth cannot be obtained by natural means, with discretion 
in the Secretary of Agriculture to prefer lands in states which pro- 
vide at least an equal amount of funds for acquisition of such lands. 
States and municipalities should acquire, reseed, and replant 
the remainder of such waste lands. 
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