Full text: Cargo handling at ports

it is carefully replaced before delivery to the merchant and 
the grain has to be cleaned again at a later stage! 
The subject of cargo-handling appliances was very fully 
discussed at the thirteenth International Navigation Con- 
oress held in London in July, 1923, and a number of reports 
were submitted by representatives of different countries. 
The scope of these reports indicated the very wide range 
of practice prevailing at ports in various parts of the world, 
and the difficulty of arriving at generally acceptable con- 
clusions. After a lengthy discussion, the Congress adopted 
the following resolutions without dissent :— 
1. In most cases it is preferable to use port equipment 
for the handling of bulk cargoes. Speaking generally, 
port equipment is, from the point of view of effi- 
ciency, preferable to ship equipment. It appears 
to us essential, however, that all ships should be 
supplied with equipment adequate for their usual 
The problem of the mechanical equipment of ports 
for the handling of freight is too complex to be 
lealt with in general terms. 
“In all cases where mechanical equipment can 
be economically installed, it is desirable that this 
should be done, as it permits of a quicker and cheaper 
aandling of cargo. 
“ The details of such mechanical equipment must 
necessarily depend upon the needs and possibilities 
of each individual port.” 
But, after all, this does not advance the matter very far, 
and having in mind the fact that, in handling the same class 
of goods under similar conditions and circumstances, there 
~annot fail to be certain methods which are preferable to

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