Full text: Sierra Leone

emancipation. A master is not compelled to dismiss his slaves and 
so long as the two work harmoniously together the law does not 
I think for the reasons I have given that the learned Circuit 
Judge was right and that the accused persons were properly 
Delivered this 1st day of July, 1927. 
No. 10. 
Egtract from telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies 
to the Officer Administering the Government of Sierra Leone. 
(Sent 30th August, 1927.) 
[Answered by No. 11.] 
Your despatch Ist August.* Slavery. The judgment reveals 
deficiency in Sierra Leone Law which I should find it impossible 
to defend. I regard matter as one in which speedy action is 
necessary and should be obliged if you would expedite framing of 
new Ordinance and telegraph me as soon as possible text of effective 
No. 11. 
Telegram from the Officer Administering the Government of Sierra 
Leone to the Secretary of State for the Colonies. 
(Dated 31st August, 1927.) 
[Answered by No. 12.] 
Your telegram of 30th August. New Ordinance is being framed 
and text of effective clauses will be telegraphed} to you within the 
next few days. Legislative Council was adjourned yesterday and 
would not normally be again convoked until November. Please 
telegraph if you consider this sufficiently early for introdvetion of 
the new measure or if you consider preferable to hold special earlier 
sitting for the purpose. In the latter event 1 would propose 
summoning the Council a few davs hefore the arrival of Sir Joseph 
Byrne. — LUKE. 
* No. 9. 
1 No. 10. I See No. 13.

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