higher cost than they can sell them so that the more peaches they
crow the more money they lose. Exactly the same situation would be
shown for any other crop in any other community. There is a wide
variation between neighboring farms and the success with which. they
are operated.
In other words, what is one man’s meat is another man’s poison,
The price that will make a profit for one man will mean a loss for
another. There is no repeal of the law of the survival of the fittest.
In a time of low prices only the fittest survive. These are the best
farmers who use the best methods and who are located on the best
lands. Such men don’t have to worry so very much about low prices.
They go right on farming. The other fellows are squeezed out first.
So, no one could state what is wrong with agriculture. There are
a good many things wrong and not all of them can be cured, but
much can be done by careful study and wise action.
Many persons seem to speak of agricultural economies as though
it were something new. But, the study of the financial problems of
our farms is far advanced. The county farm bureaus of California
and the Agricultural Extension Service have been engaged in consid-
eration of these problems for many years. This economie trouble
that we are all now discussing is nothing new to them. They saw it
coming years ago and have been preparing for it. There are thousands
of people on the farms of California who have long been weary of
hearing the farm advisor talk about the four factors essential for
profitable agriculture, namely, (1) increased production per unit, as
tons per acre, or pounds per eow; (2) economy of production, (3)
quality of produets, and (4) efficiency of marketing.
The Agricultural Extension Service, fostered by the State Univer-
sity and the Federal Government, has established resident agents in
most of the counties of California who are known as farm advisors,
home demonstration agents and club agents. These men and women
have been studying the farm problems locally and know some of their
solutions. They haven’t found solutions for all of the problems and
aever will find them. There never will be a time when all the farmers
are prosperous any more than there ever will be a time when all the
business men are prosperous. Nevertheless, the Agricultural Exten-
sion Service does know some of the ways to increase the profits of
farming, and many farmers who use these methods are getting fair
returns on their money, even in these times of so-called agricultural