Full text: The work of the International Labor Organization

the Convention is partially carried out by legislation which 
stipulates that in case of shipwreck, seamen are entitled to 
free passage home and to half the wages due for the duration 
of the voyage. Upon arrival home, they are granted benefits 
during the actual time of unemployment. The Seamen’s 
Code is being redrafted and full account is taken of the pro- 
visions of this Convention. Norway, which has postponed 
ratification, enacted a law in 1923 which gives partial effect 
to the Convention. This act provides for free passage home 
in case of shipwreck, as well as for wages and a subsistence 
allowance during the period of the journey to the seaman’s 
home. The act also stipulates that seamen of foreign na- 
tionality shall receive the same treatment, provided that 
their native countries do likewise in the case of Norwegian 
seamen. Australia has an act providing that in case of ship- 
wreck seamen shall be entitled to passage at the owner's 
cost, either to the port of engagement or, at the master’s 
option, to the port of discharge, and to wages for a period not 
exceeding three months. 
~The Draft Convention for Establishing Facilities for Find- 
ing Employment for Seamen, adopted in Genoa in 1920, 
stipulates that the finding of employment for seamen (in- 
cluding all persons, except officers, employed as members of 
the crew of vessels engaged in maritime navigation) is not to 
be carried on by any person or agency as a commercial 
enterprise for pecuniary gain, and prohibits the charging of 
any fees for finding employment. Punishment for violation 
of these provisions Is to be provided by the law of each coun- 
try. Existing commercial agencies engaged in finding em- 
ployment for seamen may, however, be allowed to continue 
temporarily under license, inspection and supervision of the 
Government, but they are to be abolished as soon as possible. 
Each member ratifying the Convention agrees to organize 
and maintain an efficient and adequate system of public 
employment offices for finding employment for seamen with- 
out charge, either by representative associations of ship- 
owners and seamen under control of a central authority, or

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