Full text: Report of the Commission on Coloured Education

Report of the Commission on Coloured Education, 
The Honourable the Administrator. 
Department of Public Education, 
Cape Town, 
12th July. 1926. 
Sit, The Commission on Coloured Education, which was appointed by the Provincial 
Administration in May, 1925, has the honour to submit the following report embodying its 
recommendations in connection with the questions contained in the terms of reference. 
The minutes of the meetings containing particulars of the evidence given before the 
Commission, copies of memoranda submitted to the Commission, and statistical data collected 
by the Commission are not appended. These, the Commission is prepared to publish 
separately, if so desired. 
The Commission as originally constituted consisted of the following members, viz. :— 
Dr. W. J. Vion, M.A., Ph.D.. D.C.L. (Oxon.), Superintendent-General of 
Education, Chairman. 
Dr. A. Appuramman, M.B., M.7.C. . 
Mr. J. P. J. Brunt, Controller of Educational Finance. 
Mr. F. Hespricks, Principal of the Battswood Training School, Wynberg. 
Mr. C. E. Z. WATERMEYER, B.A, LL.B.. Inspector of Schools. 
The terms of reference to the Commission were as follow: — 
Subject to the provisions of the Financial Relations Act- 
‘a) To review generally the present condition of coloured education in the Cape 
Province, and to take due cognisance of such evidence as has heen collated hy 
the Department on the subject. 
(6) To submit recommendations in regard to the control and organisation of coloured 
(c) To submit recommendations in regard to the training of coloured teachers, and in 
regard to the curricula for the different types of coloured schools. 
(d) To submit such other recommendations as may appear to be necessary, in order 
to carry out efficiently the education of the coloured people, due attention being 
given to the industrial side of school work in all classes of schools. 
{e) To inquire into, and report upon, the desirability or otherwise of applying the 
provisions of Chapter 22 of Ordinance No. 5 of 1921 to schools for coloured pupils; 
and, if the principle is approved, to report what modification, if anv, should be 
made in the provisions of the Chapter to coloured schools. 
In December last, it was necessary for Mr. Brunt to resign from the Commission upon 
his transfer to the High Commissioner’s Office in London. When the question of filling the 
vacancy was considered by the Executive Committee, 1t was decided to enlarge the Com- 
mission to ten members, and the following new members were appointed, viz.:— 
Mr. A. L. CHarLes, B.Sc, Inspector of Schools. 
Mr. C. L. Hormeyr, B.A., Inspector of Schools. 
Ven, ARCHDEACON S. W. Lavis, B.D., of the Church of the Province of South Africa. 
Rev. W. Mason, Superintendent of the Cane Town Calanred Circuit of the Weslevan 
Mr. A. W. PouEror, of the Education Department; and 
Rev. Davip Wircocks. Principal of the D.R.C. Mission Institute, Wellington.

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