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The Sources of Animal Products 
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Fig. 74. Cattle production in Europe is concentrated toward the northwest, where climatic 
conditions are favorable for hay and pasturage. There the dairy products are especially im- 
portant. On the Mediterranean side of Europe, the long, dry summers are unfavorable. In 
Russia, cattle production could be much greater than itis; there the limiting factors are the long, 
cold winters and poverty and lack of knowledge among the peasant farmers. 
Some dairy cows are found in every state, for most farmers like to keep 
at least a few so that they may have an income all the year round. Ex- 
plain this statement. 
In the Rocky Mountain states compare the number of dairy cows with 
the total number of cattle. Give an explanation of what vou find. 
B. Dairying in Europe. 
The conditions of transportation encourage specialization in the dairy in- 
dustry. Using Figure 74, the map of cattle in Europe, make a list of the 
ten countries in which the darkest shading occurs. Describe their climate. 
Compare it with that of the states most heavily shaded in Figure 64. 
Compare the length of time that milk and cheese will keep. Compare 
the ease with which they can be transported. Then consider the trans- 
portation facilities of the ten European countries in your list and de- 
cide which are more likely to specialize in cheese and which in milk. 
Can you find any relation between your answer and the following state- 
ment P 
Imports of cheese into the United States are derived approximately 
as follows: Italy 50%, France 7%, Switzerland 25%. Netherlands 
3%, Canada 18%, 
Why does Europe export more cheese than butter to the United States?

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