Full text: Modern business geography

Modern Business Geography 
enameled goods find a large market because their grace and elegance 
give them among handmade products much the same position that 
French goods hold among manufactured products. 
4. The industrial map of Europe. 
I. On an outline map of Europe, place a heavy line around the countries 
that form the group of manufacturing countries of western Europe. Label 
sach large river, and indicate the main canals (Fig. 171). Insert the name 
of each city mentioned in the text. Put under it in parentheses the name 
of a manufactured specialty. 
List the countries of Europe that are outside the manufacturing area. 
What is their type of industry? What is their type of agriculture? 
What kind of farming machinery would you expect them to use? 
What types of manufacturing and of agriculture are usually found in the 
same regions? Why? Is this true of Great Britain? France? the 
United States? Russia? China? 
Where the industrial countries of Europe obtain their raw materials. 
List the industrial countries of Europe. Which of them have colonies or 
dependencies in other parts of the world? Which can obtain from their 
own colonies the products of both temperate and tropical regions? 
Which can get only tropical products? 
To great industrial countries coal and iron are essentials; without them 
the factories must stand idle. By reference to the maps of coal and 
ron production of the world (Figs. 86. 99), form an opinion on these 
questions : 
‘a) Why have France and Germany struggled for possession of the iron- 
ore district of Lorraine and the coal district in the Saar valley to the 
north of Lorraine ? 
Does Great Britain have iron or coal in excess of her own needs? 
Which of the industrial countries have enough iron for themselves? 
enough coal ? 
(d) Which must import some of their iron ore? their coal? 
(e) Which are almost wholly dependent on outside supplies of iron? of 
coal ? 
f) Which countries have iron to export? Which have coal? 
Of the copper used in Great Britain yearly, only 25 per cent can be obtained 
from parts of the British Empire (Australia and Canada). What country 
supplies most of the remaining 25 per cent? (Fig. 91.) 
From her own scanty stock, Great Britain can draw only a small part of 
the lumber that she needs. What countries near her have lumber to ex- 
port? What waterways can she use to keep down the cost of transporta- 
tion on this bulky commodity? 

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