Full text: Iceland 1930

of which are admirably executed, struck a new and peculiar note. 
Jakob Thorarensen (1886) has published a volume of very good 
short stories. Gudm. G. Hagalin (1898—) has in a series of long and 
short novels mainly depicted the life of seamen and farmers in western 
Iceland. Halldér "Kiljan Laxness (1902—) has written a few short 
stories and two long novels chiefly dealing with the struggle of the 
spirit against the ‘devil and the flesh’. Gunnar Gunnarsson (1889-)a 
well known author, also autside of Scandinavia, has written most of 
his novels in Danish — only a few in Icelandic. Kristmann Gudmunds- 
son (1901—) is already an author of some note. His novels, descrip- 
live of Icelandic country life, are all written in Norwegian. Authores- 
ses of some note are: Theodora Thoroddsen (Short Stories), Unnur 
Bjarklind (Short Stories), and Kristin Sigfisdéttir (Short Stories. 
novels and plays). 
Of American-Icelanders who have written short stories, the follow- 
ing deserve to be mentioned: Thorsteinh Th. Thorsteinsson, Jéhannes. 
P. Palsson, and Mrs. Gudrin H. Finnsdéttir. 
The Drama. Dramatic literature in Iceland has necessarily had few 
representatives, for play-acting in small towns with no national theatre 
has had many difficulties to contend with, Yet a good beginning has 
already been made. The first attempt in this field dates from the be- 
ginning of the nineteenth century. Of later play-wrights we may here 
mention Matthias Jochumsson, Indridi Einarsson (1851—), Einar 
Kvaran, Jéhann Sigurjénsson (1880—1919), all choosing their subjects 
from Icelandic history and folk-tales or from modern Icelandic life; 
and Gudmundur Kamban (1888--) who has worked on modern sub- 
jects only. The two last-named dramatists have written their plays 
both in Icelandic -and Danish and attained to considerable fame a- 
road, especially Sigurjénsson by his brilliant drama “Fialla- Eyvindur® 
(Eyvindur of the Hills). 
Of Icelandic playwrights in Canada, Guttormur J. Guitormsson and 
Jéhannes P. Pilsson should be mentioned, both having written a few 
pieces, chiefly one-act plays.

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