Full text: Comparison of rates of duty in the Tariff Act of 1930 and in the Tariff Act of 1922

Analysis of changes in the act of 1930 as compared with the act of 1922. 
Summary by schedules of imports on which no changes in rates of duty were made, of imports on which rates were increased, and of im- pages 
B. I ports on which rates were decreased __.___ __. eee ] ee emmmmmmmeeeeo 2 109-111 
Cc. oy on which rates of duty in the act of 1930 as compared with the act of 1922 have been changed. ovo ooomommm oem 112-135 
+ dransfers from the dutiable to the free list and from the free list to the dutiable list in the acts of 1922 and 1930... .__. mo--- 136-139 

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