Full text: The reconstruction of agriculture in the Soviet Union

These tables give a fair indication of the results of 
the process, brought about by the revolution, of taking 
land from the upper groups and parceling it out among 
the lower. For all the lower groups of the peasantry 
there was, generally speaking, virtually a doubling of 
the land at their disposal, and sometimes even more. 
The expansion of land holdings also extended to the 
middle peasantry, who added to their holdings in al- 
most all sections of the country. Only from the upper 
groups did the revolution take part of their land, this 
part increasing in proportion to the size of the holding. 
A summary of the results of the redistribution of 
land among the various strata of the rural population 
in the Ukraine is given in the table below: 
~—————Farm Areg—————— 
Before Confis- Revo- Per Cent 
Revolution cated tion Change Change 
——(in million dessiatins)—— 
I. Poor and middle 
peasant farms... 
2. Kulak (rich peas- 
ant) farms .... 
3. Large land-hold- 
ings and church 
200  .. 845 414.5 72.5 
8.6 68 1.8 -~ 6.8 -—179.0 
In comm 
§. City land ee 
5. State and common 
180A ee 
12.1 12.1 
0.6 0.8 
—12.1 —100.0 
~— 0.8 —50.0 
Total oe 41.8 192 41.8 
fi 4 
Thus, post-revolutionary agriculture is character- 
ized by the elimination of the large landlord economy, 
by a considerable reduction in the land-holdings of the 
rich peasantry, and by the rule of the so-called middle 
peasant, the small producer, in agriculture. 

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