scale agricultural production, from individual to social-
ized production.
The period of the rehabilitation of industry is thus
co-existent with the prevalence of small peasant econ-
omy. What was small-scale production able to achieve
during this period of its domination in agriculture?
First of all, it should be noted that the system of
government of the U. S. S. R. created the necessary
prerequisites for raising the economic level of the small
peasantry, instead of its wholesale ruination. This
was demonstrated by the rather rapid restoration of
animal and plant husbandry, which had been almost
destroyed by the war, blockade and famine. Also the
sown area grew from year to year.
The rapid restoration of agriculture in the U. S.
S. R. took place not only under conditions of a growth
in savings and investments in production, but also
was accompanied by an improvement in the living con-
ditions of the agricultural producer. According to
data of the Statistical Administration, the consump-
tion of butter by the rural population in 1925 was
over one-third more than the pre-war consumption in
the village. In the following years the consumption
of butter showed a continuous gain, as indicated in
the following table:
1927-38 ..iimisimispinimsmisi
Annual Per Capita Butter and Fat
Consumption in Villages :
Per Cent of