Professional Center Building
(New York City)
First Mortgage Leasehold Sinking Fund Gold 7%
Amount: $1,000,000.
Dated: July 1, 1927.
Maturity: July 1, 1947.
Interest: January and July 1st.
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and
Taxes: 2% Federal—District of
come and any State taxes.
Redemption: 105 to 1937; decreasing 4% each year thereafter.
Trustee: Fulton Trust Co. of New York.
Horace S. Ely & Co. .....
Fred T. Ley, completed building...
Assessed 1930:
Land ..oopvsnnminns $1,300,000
Land and building ...... ceeeee. 2,400,000
Security: Leasehold estate extending twenty-one years from
May, 1927, with two 21-year renewal privileges, covering
the ground at the northeast corner of Sixth Avenue and
57th Street, and the 18-story professional and store
building erected thereon, completed in May, 1928.
Earnings: Building about 60% rented, present signed leases
total $300,000 and income therefrom is sufficient to cover
bond interest. Building now owned by Champion Securi-
ties Corporation, which represents minority stock of A-C
Spark Plug Company, which is in turn controlled by
General Motors.
New York Athletic Club
(New York City)
First and General Mortgage 1948 Sinking Fund 6% Bonds
Amount: $6,250,000 ($1,250,000 retired by release of parcel)—
$5,000,000 outstanding.
Dated: October 1, 1926.
Maturity: October 1, 1946.
Interest: April and October 1st.
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100.
Taxes: 2% Federal—Pennsylvania 4 mills, Massachusetts 6%