Assessed 1930: $6,750,000.
Security: Fee estate in the plot of ground 100x163 on the
southwest corner of Broadway and Barclay, directly across
from the Woolworth Building and from the City Hall
Square, in the heart of the business downtown district, and
the 42-story office building erected thereon, completed in
1928 known as “Transportation Building.”
Earnings: Building has been in operation less than two years.
$115,000 in principal amount has been paid off—1929 income
was as follows:
GroSS voveerreen-cnn--
Operation, ete. .....
Ins. taxes. reserves. .
Interest on bonds..............
Price Range: January-May, 1930—100-95,
Belmont Building
(Southeast Corner Madison Ave. and 34th St., New York City)
First Mortgage 20-Year 6%% 1944 Sinking Fund Certificates.
Original Amount: $2,400,000—outstanding $2,182,500.
Dated: August 1, 1924.
Interest: February and August 1st.
Denominations: $1,000, $500 and $100.
Redemption: At par on 60 days’ notice.
Sinking Fund: Now $200,000 per annum. .
Taxes: 2% Federal-—Penn. and Conn. 4 mills, Md. 4% mills,
Mass. 6%.
Leeal for trust funds in New York.
Appraised: Fenimore C. Goode Co. Inc, William Kennelly,
Inc, and W. Albert Pease, Jr.. $3,660,000.
Assessed 1930: $2,690,000.
Security: The property, owned in fee, is located at the south-
east corner of Madison Avenue and 34th Street, New York
City, the plot being 153.2 feet on 34th by 49.5 feet on
Madison, the center portion extending to a 25-foot frontage
on 33rd Street—area 12,658 square feet—and a new 17-story
and two-basement office and display room building, the
first three floors and basement of which is leased for 20