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165 Broadway Building 
(New York City) 
First "Mortgage Fee 5%% Sinking Fund 1951 Gold Loan 
Amount: $9,500,000; retired, $207,000; outstanding 2-1-29, $9,- 
Dated: August 1, 1926. 
Maturity: August 1, 1951. 
Interest: February and August 1st. 
Denominations: $1,000 and $500. . 
Taxes: 2% Federal—Penn., Conn., Calif, Kas, Maryland, Dist. 
of Columbia, Ky., Mich., Iowa, Mass. . 
Redemption: 103 to 1931; then 102 to 1941: then par. As a 
whole, at 101. 
Trustee: New York Trust Co. 
Legal for Trust Funds in New York. 
Land, Geo. R. Read & Co.......... 
Building, McKim, Mead & White............ 
Assessed 1930: $10,400,000. 
Security: Fee estate in 26,800 square feet of land fronting on 
Broadway, Cortland, and Church Streets, in the heart of 
the downtown financial district, and the 32-story office 
building thereon, with 470,000 sq. feet of net rentable area 
and also a plot adjoining at No. 9 Church Street, containing 
3,440 sq. feet and improved with a five-story office ‘building. 
Equity: These bonds are followed by $1,792,000 General 7% 
Bonds due in 1941. ] 
Earnings: Available for bond interest before Federal taxes: 
1926 . $1,075,948 
1927 1,075,002 
1928 1,019,124 
1992G gR7.624 * 
* Apparent decline in 1929 due to alterations 
for Chemical Bank and Trust Company. 
in new quarters 
Price Range: January-May, 1930—93-881%, 

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