men and women are conscious agents—they have
motives for what they make or mar. It may therefore
be of interest to try to trace from some of the records
of the men of action and of the writings of the different
petiods, how far the motives and methods, which were
at work in connexion with the Old Empire down to
1783, were of a piece with the views and forces which
have since prevailed. The question may possibly be
thought to answer itself. Human beings remain
human beings all the time with, in the main, the same
motives determining actions shaped according to
change of time and circumstance. Moreover, condi-
tions of life in modern days and in a crowded and ultra-
democtatic world have become so immeasurably and
progressively more complex than they were a century
and a half ago, that it may be considered futile to set
earlier and later times side bv side. On the other
hand no harm can be done, and possibly some useful
guidance may be given or suggestion made by
comparison and contrast.
It will be readily admitted that the sixteenth century,
the hundred years before the British Empire actually
began to exist, is an integral part of the history of that
Empire. No introduction ever was more completely
part and parcel of a whole work than was this Tudor
prelude. On the other hand, as historians have
pointed out, in the case of the British Empire, far more
than other empires, the line is clearly drawn between
the preliminary age of adventure and the succeeding
age of permanent beginnings : ‘ Never was there a set
of men worse adapted for the sober business of estab-
lishing a colony or governing a subject race ; yet they