In the foregoing pages the three main motives of
forces which made or marred the Old Empire have
been taken to be trade, colonising or making new
homes, and religion. Trade carried to an extreme and
allied to attempted uniformity has been set down as
the fundamental evil which wrecked the Old Empire.
Trade in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has
developed to an amazing degree both in bulk and in
variety, and no bounds can be set to the possibilities of
scientific invention, which was beginning to make
itself felt before the Old Empire ended. But whereas
in the Old Empire trade, in the form of the trading
interests of the Mother Country, came to be the enemy
of overseas liberties, in the middle of the nineteenth
century, in the hands of Sir Robert Peel, preceded by
Huskisson and followed by Gladstone, it came, as free
trade, to be the promoter of those liberties almost to
the extent of what the overseas peoples themselves
considered to be indifference to the tie of Empire.
As has been seen, Gladstone valued colonies in the
sense that he valued reproductions of England and
1 See above, pp. 36-7.