Full text: Durch Abessinien und Erythräa

future. He can depict with equal happiness the stir and bustle of the 
great ship-yard and the graceful motion of the Spanish danseuse, the 
orchestra of the concert hall and the racing speed of the clean-built 
boat at a regatta. His descriptions of scenery, whether foreign or Ice- 
landic, and his portraitures of men are instinct with individual life 
and vigour. Every natural phenomenon, — the Echo, the Fata Mor- 
gana, the Snow, the Polar lce — all receive a deeper meaning. Bene- 
diktsson’s language is trenchant, his style imposing and stately, Had 
he written in the language of a great nation and not in that of the 
old Thor and Odin, he would certainly by this time be a world-fa- 
mous poet, 
Of religious poets of the nineteenth century the Rew. Valdimar 
Briem (1848—), D.D. honoris causa at the university of Reykjavik, 
and Vice-bishop of Skalholt diocese since 1909, must especially be 
mentioned here. Besides his “Bibliuljé3“ (portions of the Bible worked 
into metrical form) in two big volumes and some other smaller works, 
he has given us a number of hymns, many of which are among the 
most cherished of those contained in the hvmnal of the Established 
Church of Iceland. 
[ cannot within the space allowed me here mention all the younger 
poets who are worthy of being mentioned. A few names must suffice 
to show that Icelandic poetry is still flourishing and exuberant: Bjarni 
Jénsson fra Vogi (7 1927); Thorsteinn Gislason; Gudm. Fridjénsson; 
Gudm. Gudmundsson {7 1919); Sigfis Bléndal; Gum. Magnéisson 
(t 1918); Jénas Gubdlaugsson (7 1916); SigurBur SigurDsson fra Arn- 
arholti; Jakob Thorarensen; Stefan fra Huvitadal; Jakob Jéh. Smari; 
David Stefdnsson frd Fagraskégi; Jén Magniisson; and Jéhannes ir 
Kétlum. — Mrs. Olof Sigurdardéttir; Mrs. Th. Thoroddsen; the sisters 
Miss Olina and Mrs. Herds Andrésdetur; and Mrs. Unnur Bjarklind 
(Pseudonym Hulda), have all earned considerable reputation for their 
poetry, and more especiallv for having revived and polished the old 
Of Icelandic-American poets the following may be mentioned: 
Kristinn Stefansson (1856—1916); Jéhann Magnis Bjarnason; Kristj- 
in N. Jdlius; Guttormur J. Guitormsson; Porsteinn b. Porsteinsson; 
Einar P. J6nsson; and Mrs. Jakobina Johnson. 
The most original literary achievements of the Icelanders are the 
Sagas, the earliest written monuments of which date from about 1130;

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