Full text: Regulations and instructions relating to the exportation, free of tax, or with benefit of drawback of distilled spirits, fermented liquor, tobacco snuff, cigars, oleomargarine, adulterated butter, mixed flour, playing cards, and stills

Application to 
be filed with en 
try for with 
Spirits to be 
bottled and cased 
under official 
Construction of 
Cases to be 
wired or corded. 
Form A should be the quantity found before reduction in 
Art. 19. Whenever the owner of the spirits in a dis 
tillery warehouse or special bonded warehouse desires to 
transfer his spirits to the bottling warehouse for export 
in bond free of tax, he will declare such purpose in his 
application and entry for withdrawal for export, Form A 
(article 30), by inserting after the words “they are to be 
transported’’ the words “in bottles packed in cases.’’ 
The collector will, upon receipt of such application and 
entry for withdrawal, and upon payment for the export 
stamps at the rate of 10 cents for each stamp to be 
affixed to each barrel of spirits, direct the storekeeper to 
supervise the transfer of the spirits to the bottling ware 
house, provided he is satisfied that there are no tax-paid 
spirits stored therein. 
The spirits when received in the bottling warehouse 
will be bottled, cased, marked, and stamped as provided 
in Bottling Regulations No. 23. 
Art. 20. The cases to be used for such export spirits 
must be of wood, the outer surface to be “dressed, and 
the top, bottom, sides, and ends to be of a thickness of not 
less than three-eighths inch; and the sides and ends, as 
also the top and bottom, of each case must consist of not 
more than two pieces each. The sides and ends of the 
case, unless dovetailed, must be securely nailed, as also 
the top and bottom of the case. 
The use of screws in fastening the cases or the use of 
cases provided with “sliding lids” will under no circum 
stances be permitted. 
Art. 21. After the spirits have been properly bottled, 
stamped, and cased, the cases containing the same will be 
securely nailed, and in addition thereto each case must, 
before the case stamp is affixed, be securely wired or 
corded in the following manner : 
The wire or wire cord to be used must pass entirely 
around the case, both laterally and crosswise, so as to 
form right angles at a central point and be countersunk, 
and instead of passing over the edges of the case, must 
pass under or through the edges and at a depth sufficient 
to carry the wire or cord through the side or end and 
the adjoining top or bottom of the case, as shown by the 
accompanying diagram.

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