Object: Modern business geography

Problems in Primary Production 
zwing Galioway 
Fic. 112. Rio de Janeiro, although second in size to Buenos Aires, has a larger and even better 
harbor. Few harbors can compare with it in size and safety combined. All the navies of the 
world could ride at anchor within it. 
15. What climatic conditions make these parts attractive to Europeans? 
Study Figures 17 and 18 (pages 30, 31) to find one of the reasons why 
Argentina and Uruguay attract many Italian and Spanish immigrants. 
Why does the presence of many Europeans increase the amount of pri- 
mary production ? 
There are five leading ports in South America. In the order of 
their importance they are: Buenos Aires, Santos. Rio de Janeiro, 
Montevideo, and Valparaiso. 
How primary production has made Buenos Aires great. Buenos 
Aires, including La Plata, thirty-one miles to the southeast, where 
the largest ocean steamers discharge their cargoes, has a commerce 
whose value is equal to that of the other four chief cities combined. 
17. What products have made it both possible and wise to spend millions of 
dollars upon harbor and dock improvements at Buenos Aires and 
La Plata? 
The Plata river system is of great importance to Buenos Aires. 
Ocean steamers ascend to Rosario, 230 miles northwest of Buenos 
Aires, to bring out hides, meat, and wheat. River steamers ply to 
Asuncién, while small vessels navigate 680 miles farther northward, 
well within the tropics, and bring out rubber and forest products.

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