Full text: Protection of maternity

this particular bill as an invasion of State rights. We have his state 
ment about it. Mrs. Gibbs has all those statements. 
The Chairman. And are those all of the people you desire to be 
heard ? 
Mrs. Kilbreth. Another, Mrs. Randolph; and she has a great 
number of names against this bill, I think. 
Senator Sheppard. Mr. Chairman, let me state that this hill had 
absolutely no connection in any way with the birth-control movement. 
I want to say further that the governors of 35 States have written 
and put themselves on record as in favor of a measure of this kind. 
Justice Smith of New York writes as follows : 
The State of New York will be among the first to give the Federal Government 
effective cooperation in carrying out the provisions of the Sheppard-Towner bill. 
Mr. Chairman, this is not an invasion of State rights. There is not 
anything compulsory about it at all. This information is made 
available to individuals if they desire it, but they do not have to have 
it unless they do desire it. There is not any invasion of the home in 
any respect whatsoever. It recognizes the integrity of the States, and 
it is founded on that idea. It is based on the same principles as are 
the other bills which cooperate with the States—the Federal good 
roads act, the Federal vocational training act, and the agricultural 
extension act. There is a long list of representative women s or 
ganizations which indorse the bill, and which I have right here, that 
is in answer to this charge of socialsim that has been made here. 
Senator Warren. We nave got the bill before us. Are there any 
ladies here that you know of . . 
Senator Sheppard. I am not a member of the committee, Senator. 
I am here with the ladies on behalf of the measure. I will say, 
Senator Warren, during the course of the debate on the Senate floor, 
you made a speech as to the amount that the Federal Government 
could afford to spend on this line, and out of regard for the argument 
advanced bv you, the appropriation was materially reduced. 
Senator Warren. It was not reduced a penny the first year. 
Senator Sheppard. We introduced it providing for $1,000,000 per 
annum, whereas originally it provided for $4,000,000 in four years. 
Senator McKellar. Are there any provisions in the bill that pro 
vide for anyone going snooping around private homes ? 
Senator Sheppard. Not at all. If anyone does not desire this 
information it will not be forced upon them. The information is 
available to all who desire it. . , 
Senator Shortridge. What is the theory? How is it carried out; 
What do the persons do? 
Senator Sheppard. It is carried out through the States health 
agencies, through advisory committees which shall be selected by the 
State agencies, composed of citizens who desire to serve and establish 
a community center, where the services of public-health nurses are 
available. That is the center of information, and is at the command 
of the people who desire it. 
Senator Shortridge. There is nothing compulsory about it? 
Senator Sheppard. Nothing whatever, either on the States or on 
Senator Warren. You provide for inspectors from the department, 
and a great deal of the expense will have to be provided for in some 

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