Full text: Protection of maternity

Dr. Parker. The Children’s Bureau has been the greatest factor 
in the stimulation of birth registration throughout the United States. 
Medical authorities have already stated to your committee the impor 
tance of accurate birth registration in computing statistics regarding 
infant and maternal mortality. I therefore believe the Children’s 
Bureau to be the logical agency for carrying on the important educa 
tional work outlined in the Sheppard-Towner bill. 
The educational work contemplated can not be carried on by 
physicians who are in private practice as was suggested by a member 
of the medical profession at the hearing. Efficient physicians are 
too busy with practice to conduct wide-spread education among 
prospective mothers. Those who are not efficient, and therefore not 
busy, are not the proper ones to conduct this education. 
Septicemia, which is the greatest single cause of maternal mortality, 
is absolutely preventable. Prenatal education will not only assist the 
mother by helping her to make personal preparations which will lead 
to surgical cleanliness, but will enlighten her as to what she has the 
right to require in the cleanliness of her attendants at the time of 
childbirth. Those physicians who are careless at such a crisis will not 
welcome such intelligence on the part of the patient. 
The statement made before your committee with reference to the 
state control of medicine in England preventing the individual choice 
of physicians is untrue. Documents in support of this statement can 
be supplied. In any case the argument has no bearing whatsoever 
on the Sheppard-Towner bill. 
Reputable physicians everywhere deplore any maternal or infant 
death from preventable cause, and therefore welcome the proposed 
agency which would reduce these losses. 
I may add that I am a physician, engaged in educational work for 
racial health. I am a member of the executive council of the National 
League of Women Voters, chairman of the social hvgiene committee 
of the National Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers’ Associations 
and am submitting this statement on behalf of the National Woman’s 
Christian Temperance Union, for which I am director of social 
(The following letters, telegrams, briefs, and other documents were 
filed with the committee during the above hearing, indorsing the 
Telegram from Ellen C. Potter, chief of division of child health, Harrisburg, Pa. 
Letter from Mrs. P. W. Brunkow, secretary of the Women’s Christian Temperance 
Union, Dubuque, Iowa. 
Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Palmer O. Ostby, Forest City, Iowa. 
Letter from Mrs. J. H. St. John, secretary Mission Circle, First Congregational 
Church, Muscatine, Iowa. 
Letter from Girls’ Friendly Society, 13 East Fortieth Street, New York City. 
Letter from Mary Sherwood, M. D., director Bureau of Child Welfare, Baltimore, 
Letter from Mrs. Milton P. Higgins, president National Congress of Mothers and 
Parent-Teachers’ Association, Washington, D. C. 
Statement of National Catholic Welfare Council.

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