Full text: Protection of maternity

THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1921. 
United States Senate, 
Committee on Education and Labor, 
Washington, D. C. 
The committee met pursuant to adjournment, at 10.30 a. m., at the 
committee room of the Committee on Education and Labor, Capitol 
Building, Hon. William 8. Kenyon presiding. 
Present: Senators Kenyon (chairman), Kellogg, Phipps, Jones 
(New Mexico), McKellar, Sterling, Walsh, and Shortridge. 
Also present: Senator Sheppard: H. B. Anderson, representing 
the Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau, 145 West b orty-filth 
Street New York City; Mrs. Rufus M. Gibbs, 1209 St. Paul Street, 
Baltimore Md • Evan W. Burnstead, secretary Massachusetts 
Gvic Alliances Dr. Charles G. Hill, Baltimore., Md.; Mrs. Elbert T. 
Leatherbee, representing Massachusetts Antisuffrage Association; 
Dr. Emma M. Randolph, Hampton, Va.; J. S. Eichelberger editor 
Woman Patriot, Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Fred Manville, Newport 
News Va.; Mrs. William T. Wyse, Pikesville, Md.; Mrs. A. M. Mc- 
Manamy, Oregon; Miss Julia C. Lathrop, chief Childrens Bureau, 
United States Department of Labor; Mrs. Henry W.. Keyes, Wash 
ington, D. C.; Mrs. Maud Wood Park, representing National League 
of Women Voters; Mrs. Nellie C. Williams, New York City. 
The committee then proceeded to further consideration ot the bill 
(8. 1039) for the public protection of maternity and infancy and pro 
viding a method of cooperation between the Government ot the 
United States and the several States. . 
The Chairman. Gentlemen, the hearing this morning is tor the 
opposition to this bill. The proponents had a hearing last Monday. 
Mrs. Gilbreth, will you take charge of the presentation of the oppo 
nents’ case ? 
Mrs. Gilbreth. I wish to say, Mr. Chairman, that there are several 
opponents that I have written to in regard to this matter but who are 
not here. I hope an opportunity will be given to them to be heard. 
The Chairman. Yes. 
The Chairman. Your name is H. B. Anderson? 
Mr. Anderson. Yes, sir. 
The Chairman. And whom do you represent ? 
Mr. Anderson. The Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau. 
The Chairman. What is the Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau * 
Mr. Anderson. It is an organization composed of persons in all the 
different States who are opposed to compulsory medicine.

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