Full text: Protection of maternity

are being offered at the present time under the plea of protecting the 
public health. 
The question of maternity and infancy is too important to allow 
bureaucratic control with all the abuses that go with it to come to 
pass, such as it would do if this bill were enacted into law. 
I thank you. 
Senator Jones. Mr. Anderson, what is your interest in this subject ? 
Mr. Anderson. I am secretary of this bureau. 
Senator Jones. What bureau ? 
Mr. Anderson. The Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau. I was 
formerly secretary of what was called the National League of Medical 
Freedom, an organization of close to a quarter of a million people— 
225,000 people. 
Senator Jones. Why is the organization opposed to Federal aid in 
this subject? 
Mr. Anderson. Because this is one out of a great many bills tend 
ing to build up a larger and more powerful medical machine that 
would be used in forcing legislation on the people. 
Senator Jones. In other words, you do not believe that the Fed 
eral Government should engage in this mother’s aid at all ? 
Mr. Anderson. There are certain phases that it would be of great 
advantage,, like the pollution of streams in this way along those lines, 
and things of that kind. 
Senator Jones. Is it your objection simply— I mean you and your 
associates—simply as citizens of the United States advocating cer 
tain policies with respect to the Federal Government? 
Mr. Anderson. It is a citizens’ movement; yes, sir. 
Senator Jones. And you have no idea that the agents of the Fed 
eral Government would do anything detrimental to the question of 
infant mortality, have you ? 
Mr. Anderson. I believe that there is a possibility of a great deal 
of detrimental work being done. 
Senator Jones. In what way ? 
Mr. Anderson. The Shick test is one, that is an example, and the 
Senator Jones. You are opposed to that sort of treatment, gen 
erally speaking. 
Mr. Anderson. There is a gigantic propaganda going on all over 
the country now introducing that test, and I believe that efforts will 
be made to make it possible 
Senator Jones. Is not your objection to certain things that have 
been done rather than the general policy of having something done ? 
Mr. Anderson. There is less danger of compulsion if this work is 
run locally and by the different States. 
Senator Jones. What makes you think that ? 
Mr. Anderson. Because where work is carried on locally, there is 
more of an opportunity for one State to check another State, if the 
other State makes a mistake. 
Senator Jones. Do you really think that ? Do you think that each 
State acting on its own initiative and having no connection with 
another State, that there would be closer contact and less danger ? 
Mr. Anderson. One State naturally will compare notes with 
another State.

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